Title: Prismatica
Genre: Casual, Indie, Strategy
Loomus Games
Loomus Games
Release Date: 1 Jul, 2015
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A beautiful game with lots of bright colors.. Prismatica is an average casual puzzler. Its very straight forward and simple, even drab. Progress is long and slow. Its not bad in small doses. There aren't any steam achievements or anything innovative which compels one to return to this title. Its probably more suitable for a mobile device than a pc. I'm not going to miss it and wouldn't pay more than a dollar. 5.5/10. This game is fun, does need quite a lot of thought. The levels vary in difficulty, in a random order and are very colourful. I do recommend.. Although it is a good game, the developers have done a nasty thing of putting the level label directly over the center of each puzzle blocking important colors. It's a serious pain and very short sighted of them. The label should not be RIGHT ON TOP of the puzzle itself but to the side. I hope they fix this.. Very simple rotating game. I found the background music pleasant and whilst not terribly challenging is a perfect coffee break, or stress break game. Just solve a few puzzles, feel good about yourself and relax to the music. I did buy this on sale for about .50 I find no reason not to recommend this for a dollar or less.. This game is nice, simple and exactly what you'd expect from the genre. EXCEPT there's really loud and jarring SFX when you win/lose a level.
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