Title: Pony World 3
Genre: Casual, Indie
Rhema Press
Play sp. z o. o.
Release Date: 27 Apr, 2015
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best eveeeeerr. The game i always wanted. This game lets you ponies 11/10! thank you JukeInTheBox for buying me your fav game of all time!. Everything breaks! Yay!. Better graphics than fallout4. I really like multiple design choices made by the developers. The idea of using flashes to send your message from the KGB was well noticed. It also fully aided in killing those epiliptics who we don't want. It also added a little extra flair and spice to the game. The fantastic textures are another great thing that should be taken into account when purchasing this game. I really felt the 3D nature come to life in this installement of pony world. Most people without a High-End gaming PC are going to have a rough time being able to run this game at a soild 60 FPS. Pony World 3 is a AAA master piece. The only thing that bothered me was the lack of a gender neutral option for us transgenders. Leading me to believe you are truly cis scum.
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