Title: Phantasmat: The Endless Night Collector's Edition
Genre: Adventure, Casual
Eipix Entertainment
Big Fish Games
Release Dat
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Game Information Phantasmat: The Endless Night Collector's Edition is an Hidden Object Puzzle Adventure game that was developed by Eipix Entertainment and published by Big Fish Games Studio. The third chapter of the game's series. Previous installments as follows: "Phantasmat" and "Crucible Peak." Since this is a collector's edition, it comes with extra features, that are not available in its' counterpart; the standard edition. Game Visuals I want to mentioned that the visuals in the game is nicely done. The visuals can be adjusted in the game's option menu. Game Audio I want to mentioned that audio for the game is well done. Even though the audio is somewhat simplistic and repetitive. The audio can be adjusted in the game's option menu as well. Gameplay There are four different difficulty game modes to choose from: Easy; Medium; Hard and Custom. There is an interactive map in the game. It allows the player to fast travel between each locations quickly. It also indicates that there are tasks that can be completed at certain locations. The interactive map is not automatically given at the start of the game. There is a padlock feature that is available to lock the inventory panel in place to make it stationary. There are interactive items in the game. Some of these interactive items may require extra components before they can be interact with. All interactive items are marked with a symbol in one of the corners. The hidden object scenes consists of the following: Riddled items; Find 'x' amount items;Shadow items; Traditional word list. Some of these hidden object scenes may require little or no interactions. Most of the hidden object scenes can be replayed in the game's extra feature section. The puzzles are fairly easy to solve without having the need to skip any of them. Most of the puzzles can be replayed in the game's extra feature section. There is a collectible in the game: Eye. They are scattered throughout the game for the player to find. Since this is a collector's edition, there is a bonus chapter, but it can be accessed only after the main story is completed. There are thirteen different achievements to unlock from playing the game. Each of these achievements does come with some requirements that needs to be completed before they can be unlocked. These achievements are in-game only. Miscellaneous There are extra features in the game: Bonus Chapter; Bonus Hidden Objects; Bonus Puzzles; Soundtracks; Wallpapers; Concept Art; Souvenir Room and Game's Strategy Guide. Most of these extra features can be access only after the entire game is completed. Final thoughts: I have found the game enjoyable to a certain extent. The replay value for the game is low. I would recommend this game, but not at the game's full price value.
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