
Chinese Association of Idaho State University (CAISU)

When the artery walls become completely PhysioTru Review blocked by plaque they prevent vital oxygen and nutrients from reaching the heart. A heart attack occurs and has the potential to cause permanent heart damage to the heart muscle. Heart condition is one amongst a list of a variety of cardiovascular disease. Cardiovascular diseases include stroke, high blood pressure, and rheumatic heart condition and they relate to the diseases of the heart and blood vessel system. A rampart myth amongst many people both men and women is that heart condition can be cured using surgery. In reality, heart condition is a lifetime disorder once it one gets it one will always have it. Surgical procedures such as bypass and angioplasty can help blood and oxygen flow to the heart more easily. This does not take away the damaged arteries which leaves the danger of heart attack lingering for life.

Drastic lifestyle modifications will need to follow a heart condition because the condition of blood vessels will steadily deteriorate if the old lifestyle of diet and indulgences is maintained. Controlling the disease becomes therefor extremely important. The risk factors of heart condition will include tobacco use such as cigarette smoking, being over weight or obese, high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol, sedentary lifestyle and diabetes. Credible studies who that those who die from heart condition have at least one of these major risk factors. This number represents 95 percent of those who die from heart condition.

In particular for women, age can be added as a risk factor once a woman reaches 55 years of age. Going through menopause increases this risk by two. This menopause can be natural or done via medical procedure. This age factor is also as a result of the understanding that it is at this middle age of 55 that other important risk factors such as high blood pressure also develop in women. Amongst risk factors that cannot be controlled is family history. People with a father or brother who had a heart attack at 55 or a mother or sister who had one before the age of 65 are most likely to get heart condition them self. The approach then is to control as many risk factors as can be controlled to minimize the actual development risk of heart condition. Due to a variety of factors, many individuals in our modern world suffer from some type of coronary problems. Stress, high fat diets and lack of exercise are just some of the circumstances that contribute to these problems. A cardiologist is a physician who specializes in the diagnostics, prevention and treatment of heart disease. Even dental decay and gingivitis have been shown to be linked to clogged arteries and coronary difficulties. Here are some ways a cardiologist can help his or her patients to lead healthier lives:

Monitoring blood pressure: High blood pressure is a sign of potential problems. Doctors routinely monitor patients' numbers in order to make certain that they are within the healthy range. An average blood pressure reading is 120/80 but a reading can be a bit higher or lower and still be fine. If the numbers climb too high, though, it is a red flag. Lifestyle changes, including dietary and exercise alterations, can bring these figures to a safe level. Medication may also be necessary to obtain success. A person's heartbeat is monitored during routine examinations and for good reason. The rate of a person's pulse and heartbeats will tell much about their current state of health. A stethoscope is a medical tool which can listen closely to make certain the rate is appropriate and that it is rhythmic and even. Even the unborn infants' are monitored via scopes and ultrasound as strong heartbeats are associated with wellbeing. Diet high in saturated fat is one that will likely contribute to clogging in the arteries. Without a clear pathway, blood will not flow as it should and cause many issues which could be potentially fatal.


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