
Chinese Association of Idaho State University (CAISU)

If you are reading this article then it is likely that either Feel Good Knees For Fast Pain Relief Review you or someone close to you are challenged by ongoing pain. In this article I explain what happens when your body is in pain. When you understand this aspect of how pain is created then how to reverse this cycle becomes clear. What to do about pain management and the benefits of using this Qigong (Qi-energy, gong-enduring practice) secret are revealed. So please read to the end to get the complete picture of what is possible for you right now. For centuries the Chinese people had held the wisdom and secrets of their medicine closely. It is only in relatively recent times that China has opened its doors and shared these Qigong secrets with those practitioners who seek the deeper knowledge. I am delighted to be able to share this with you.

When we experience pain a number of events are happening in the body. Pain messages to the brain cause the blood vessels to constrict. This in turn leads to less oxygenated blood getting to the heart and brain. As a consequence your blood pressure goes up. If left unchecked this situation can become serious. Qigong uses hand postures to deal with many situations. Pain can be reduced by placing your right hand palm down on your chest, over your heart. The left hand is placed palm down with the mound at the base of the thumb on your belly button. Place your hands gently there is no need to press. This hand posture completes a heart circuit.

Allow yourself to breathe gently and deeply down to the bottom of the lungs. The breath should remain relaxed and not forced. Gently allow the length of your inhalation and exhalation to comfortably lengthen to an equal duration as this will assist in increasing oxygenation to the body and creating deeper relaxation. Keep your awareness or focus on the breathing and observe the pain or discomfort melting away.

Energy may follow any path especially when we add mental focus or concentration. If you focus on the pain it will remain or perhaps increase. To reduce pain and discomfort take your awareness toward your breathing, imagine a happy time in your life, a time when you were healthy with no pain, a time when you were happy, imagine the pain dissolving and the area full of good energy.


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