Title: Operation Warcade VR
Genre: Action, Adventure, Casual, Indie, Simulation
Ivanovich Games
Ivanovich Games
Release Date: 2 Jun, 2017
English,French,German,Simplified Chinese,Traditional Chinese,Korean,Japanese,Portuguese,Russian
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Expected nothing from this game but the Demo was great fun, played it a few times and bought the full version on sale. The presentation seems pretty cheap so you want to get into the gameplay as fast as possible because that's where Operation Warcade VR shines.
You are in a arcade cabinet, Uzi in one hand - grenades in the other. The game scrolls from left to right and starts throwing enemies, power ups and explosions at you.
Foot soldiers, snipers, tanks, boats, helicopters, jets,... you name it. But those things are also available to you. Now and then you get the chance to "jump" into the game and play it as a FPS. Snipe the bad guys with your bow (Explosive bolts included), drive a armored vehicle - wheel in one hand and your trusty Uzi in the other, rain down hell from a helicopter with a minigun,.... the list goes on. Did I mention you can operate a fighter jet as well?
In every level you are tasked with three objectives you can do them one by one or get all of them in one run. Each cleared objective gives you a star which unlocks new abilities and new locations\/levels. There is also a Highscore mode in which you have to survive with only a limited amount of lives. Not the main event but fun nonetheless.
Oh and they reused a Call of Duty 2 gunsound in this game. I have no idea why.
Yeah, it's a good game. Well worth the price tag and a no-brainer on sale.. Expected nothing from this game but the Demo was great fun, played it a few times and bought the full version on sale. The presentation seems pretty cheap so you want to get into the gameplay as fast as possible because that's where Operation Warcade VR shines.
You are in a arcade cabinet, Uzi in one hand - grenades in the other. The game scrolls from left to right and starts throwing enemies, power ups and explosions at you.
Foot soldiers, snipers, tanks, boats, helicopters, jets,... you name it. But those things are also available to you. Now and then you get the chance to "jump" into the game and play it as a FPS. Snipe the bad guys with your bow (Explosive bolts included), drive a armored vehicle - wheel in one hand and your trusty Uzi in the other, rain down hell from a helicopter with a minigun,.... the list goes on. Did I mention you can operate a fighter jet as well?
In every level you are tasked with three objectives you can do them one by one or get all of them in one run. Each cleared objective gives you a star which unlocks new abilities and new locations\/levels. There is also a Highscore mode in which you have to survive with only a limited amount of lives. Not the main event but fun nonetheless.
Oh and they reused a Call of Duty 2 gunsound in this game. I have no idea why.
Yeah, it's a good game. Well worth the price tag and a no-brainer on sale.. This game for me is a must buy. So much fun.. This game for me is a must buy. So much fun.. This game for me is a must buy. So much fun.. Expected nothing from this game but the Demo was great fun, played it a few times and bought the full version on sale. The presentation seems pretty cheap so you want to get into the gameplay as fast as possible because that's where Operation Warcade VR shines.
You are in a arcade cabinet, Uzi in one hand - grenades in the other. The game scrolls from left to right and starts throwing enemies, power ups and explosions at you.
Foot soldiers, snipers, tanks, boats, helicopters, jets,... you name it. But those things are also available to you. Now and then you get the chance to "jump" into the game and play it as a FPS. Snipe the bad guys with your bow (Explosive bolts included), drive a armored vehicle - wheel in one hand and your trusty Uzi in the other, rain down hell from a helicopter with a minigun,.... the list goes on. Did I mention you can operate a fighter jet as well?
In every level you are tasked with three objectives you can do them one by one or get all of them in one run. Each cleared objective gives you a star which unlocks new abilities and new locations\/levels. There is also a Highscore mode in which you have to survive with only a limited amount of lives. Not the main event but fun nonetheless.
Oh and they reused a Call of Duty 2 gunsound in this game. I have no idea why.
Yeah, it's a good game. Well worth the price tag and a no-brainer on sale.
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