Title: Operation swat
Genre: Action, Strategy
WhackAKey Games
WhackAKey Games
Release Date: 30 Jan, 2017
Oh man. What? Why? Ughhhhhhhhhhhh, Gabe Newell, whyyyyy?
I mean, I wanted to write a whole article on how horrible and lazy this game is. This was my original plan. But my laptop couldn't handle the hot S.W.A.T.... swat action. It only was able to make few frames into missions before ending up putting my whole system into stubbor. I know that my laptop isn't that good, only 4 GB RAM hurts, sure, but. Yea, I ended up just spending time in main menu for cards to drop, watching the game using 100% of my videocard real hard in Task Manager. Frankly, the cards aren't much use for me as I already hit 200 sales on market per year limit and I ain't giving my info to Pas Americano. But at least I can send those cards to a friend.
None the less, I did get to see at how cartoonish and "my first 3DS MAX room" it looks in texturing.
So instead I have to write about how much of a dumbass I was that I somehow have this in library. This obvious shovelware. How did that happen?! Like, I don't drink alcohol. Was I crazy? Hmmmmm, it was years ago, my refund request got denied due to this. Ghm. My only guess is that I wanted to real hungry for having S.W.A.T. game, and thank god that it got onto digital distruption lately, and I was curious at what shovelware would be able to bring onto table, morbid curiousity. And it was cheap. What a mistake. Little sucker.. Is this a leak of black ops 4?. Things that make me enjoy the game:
The control you have of ur team
The big selection of weapons
You play as a part of a team
The colorful and good looking maps
I've made a gameplay review video for you: www.youtube.com\/watch?v=gR0OHoKedlY\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\" id=\"dynamiclink_1\">https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=gR0OHoKedlY<\/a>. Things that make me enjoy the game:
The control you have of ur team
The big selection of weapons
You play as a part of a team
The colorful and good looking maps
I've made a gameplay review video for you: www.youtube.com\/watch?v=gR0OHoKedlY\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\" id=\"dynamiclink_1\">https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=gR0OHoKedlY<\/a>. The game is a solid shooter, have enemies and weapon to use against them, and the shooter side of the game is good enough to be called average for a budget game. The tactical side of the game has to be done during gameplay without cover or advanced options which means it does not work at all. The AI is poorly programmed apart from the animations of characters looking dreadful, the amount of time my team-mates end up just bumping into each other is silly. The simple layout of just being able to send team-mates to were you are looking means you cannot line up moves and allows you to add no intelligence to the game. An alright shooter but terrible tactics results in a below par game.
Map layouts are small and confined again not allowing you to approach the game in different styles, something else I would see as key to a tactical shooter.
Flashbangs arent thrown as much as roll out on the bottom of the screen with such poor feedback that I didnt even realise one had been thrown a lot of the time. Pop in of the environment again proves how lose the engine of the game is and the knock on affect to the game is felt
(Side note: the performance of the game on my machine was poor 4Ghz proc, 16gb ram, 2x GTX 980ti)
Video: https:\/\/youtu.be\/rHiOD9Cgnu0<\/a>
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