Title: Nobunaga's Shadow
Genre: Adventure, RPG
Ultaan Games
Ultaan Games
Release Date: 11 Jun, 2018
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Interesting RPG and I can't stop playing it until I finish it once.
- Story helps player to keep on playing. Not a ton of dialog so things get dragged on, but good enough to present a nice short story. A good pace.
- The graphic (I mean pixel characters) makes me feel back in the days and I'd say fitting with the atmosphere and historic theme of the game.
- Multiple ways to finish quests, sometimes with different varieties of rewards.
- Instructions are minimal (don't need to go through an hour of tutorial to play this).
- Interesting monster encounter system that makes sense (walk on road you meet bandits, walk on grass you meet beasts).
- Multiple endings are definitely a plus.
- Small but vital character customization adds in variety of battle tactics and replay value.
- NPCs sometimes provide nice background of the game.
- The font fits the game background nicely.
- Some grinding was done, but not much is needed to proceed with the storyline.
- Game still has potential to fit in more content. (might be just me, but I found some unique NPCs had no quests, or maybe I didn't trigger them right)
- Game is not very expensive.
- Some easter egg references to anime.
- Environments change (day\/night, sun\/rain) NPC behavior and dialog.
- Player status changes NPC behavior.
- You will need some serious grinding if you want to get the best weapon.
- Numbers are sometimes harder to differentiate (due to font).
- Ring slot kind of useless at the moment (I didn't find any equipable ring in my first playthrough).
- No dash (but isn't really needed).
- This is probably the RPGMaker engine's problem, but in full screen mode sometimes graphic feels a bit off (kinda of like 0.1 second late or something when character moves around). Use max enlarge window rather than full screen should make it better.. I enjoy playing this game, just beat it.. will be playing it again to see if I can get different storyline.. I love the combat system, it remind me of old rpg like Dragon Warrior and Final Fantasy series.
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