Title: Ninjahtic
Genre: Action, Adventure, Indie
Blaze Epic
Blaze Epic
Release Date: 6 Jul, 2015
nil-ninjahtic ronin. ninjahtic mind tricks
Love it! Easy to learn, fun to master. Only problem I had was that i ended up wanting more. So my question is.. The mechanics take getting used to, but even once you do, the game's just boring. It's repetitive, drags on and on, and feels like work. Battleblock Theater is way better.. I would rate this game 2/5 stars because this game is extermely fun and presents an incredibly large challenge, but after defeating three worlds i lost my save (after saving on 2 FILES) causing me to go back 2 worlds. Fun, simple platformer. Wallclimbs, jumps, big ups, flip kicks. Not enough flippy-flips, guess we still need to go get Shadow. Movement feels tight, enemies act as classic platformer obstacles, music is a little repetitive (but not bad in and of itself). Infinite Tatsumaki mandatory to get around? Ok.. Maybe I'm just bad at this game, but It seems like the controls could use improvement. Left/right movement is with a/d but attack is on x, and with the spacebar needed for jumping, this leads to an incredibly awkward hand position. It's also a naturally challenging game. You can die in one hit, and enemies take multiple hits to destroy if you can't jump on them. Your character also has a little lag when you land from a jump, which takes some time to get used to and stops your momentum. I didn't get very far into the game, but I would recommend it to anyone who wants the challenge.. played to the end, so it's good.but it's not great. worth it for the price, nice game to run through if you want a quick somewhat challenging retro style action platformer with adventure elements. i used to rent a couple of NES games every weekend and ploy through them - this really reminded me of that, which is cool. And this game is cheaper than a rental, which is essentially what it is - not exactly short, but not worth more than a couple days, and no replay value unless you want to speedrun the whole thing. good albeit simple gameplay mechanics (jump/slash). the big specialty here is the parkour-style grabbing ledges, wall-jumping/sliding, and running up walls a little. despite the platforming strengths, the challenge is more timing-based - enemies and turrets that can quickly insta-kill you. luckily you have infinite lives and only have to restart whatever screen you are on (there is no scrolling in this game at all). but it seems like if the platforming was the best part, why not get more tricky with the . platforms? there are no moving platforms. also the presentation is very lackluster. this goes beyond NES retro. It feels like a freeware DOS game - you return instantly to the start screen after finishing the game - not even credits! pixel art is good, and there is decent variety for the length of the game, but some areas can become quickly confusing since their screens start to get real familiar looking. the gating is done by key cards and switches - problem is there doesn't seem to be a way to know which ones you've gotten other than remembering, so you can do a lot of backtracking, and with the screen art having no distinctive visual cues, it can get a little frustrating. pros: - parkour platforming - good challenge, and ramps up throughout - pixel art - good bang for the buck cons: - lackluster presentation - gets repetitive - confusing maps/repetitive level art - enemies sometimes feel random, too easy for enemies to kill you in a cheap manner - i can't see any replay value here verdict: definitely buy this if you like pixel art, retro (simple) gameplay, challenge, and don't care much about presentation, length, or replay value. It's cheap and enjoyable, but not going to stick out as one of your favorite games.. Waste of money. A short and sweet platformer. Lots of running, jumping, the occasional kicking and some exploration. The controls can feel a bit stiff at times, but it's nothing that hurts the game too much.
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