Title: Mimic Hunter
Genre: Action, Adventure, Casual, Indie
Angry Cat Studios, Creatio 49
Angry Cat Studios
Release Date: 23 Jan, 2018
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I like the concept - the graphics and music are great! Better played with a configured controller to help navigate the jumps. Very challenging to scale the tower. Needs to have a little more height and fluidity to the jumping mechanism, so the game can be explored more readily. Otherwise, have many save points along the way so that you don't fall to your doom too easily.. I like the concept - the graphics and music are great! Better played with a configured controller to help navigate the jumps. Very challenging to scale the tower. Needs to have a little more height and fluidity to the jumping mechanism, so the game can be explored more readily. Otherwise, have many save points along the way so that you don't fall to your doom too easily.
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