Title: Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor - Deadly Archer Rune
Genre: Action, Adventure
Monolith Productions, Inc., Feral Interactive (Mac), Feral Interactive (Linux)
WB Games, Feral Interactive (Mac), Feral Interactive (Linux)
Release Date: 25 Nov, 2014
Unnecessary.. just adds more archer runes to the game. This DLC basically contains epic runes for your bow weapon in the game, and that's all.
I'd say that these DLC runes are much better than those dropped by Captains or even Warchiefs, so you probably won't need to worry about rune problems after buying this (and the other 2 ). However here is the problem, collecting runes from the bosses is a part of the game play, so when you spend money to buy runes, it's no difference from cutting off a part of your gaming experience.
I don't treat this as a DLC, and in fact I won't want to buy it if it's not in the GOTY pack.. Got it from GOTY edition ;). This DLC basically contains epic runes for your bow weapon in the game, and that's all.
I'd say that these DLC runes are much better than those dropped by Captains or even Warchiefs, so you probably won't need to worry about rune problems after buying this (and the other 2 ). However here is the problem, collecting runes from the bosses is a part of the game play, so when you spend money to buy runes, it's no difference from cutting off a part of your gaming experience.
I don't treat this as a DLC, and in fact I won't want to buy it if it's not in the GOTY pack.. Got it from GOTY edition ;). wait i had a archer rune?. Greedy business tactics from the publishers side.
The game is very enjoyable but this 1$ DLC is a joke.
Couldn't think of a better way to make yourself look like a complete\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665
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