
Chinese Association of Idaho State University (CAISU)

About the same time, I started my first business, 7 Day Prayer Miracle Review and realized the same attributes were necessary to generate a profit, and build the company with excellent customer service. Indeed, I was also in school and I quickly learned that you can't get good grades unless you spend the time to study, and concentrate on what you're doing. Interestingly enough, the more you do things, and the more things you do, the more information and knowledge you have - it starts to create synergies, and it is a cross-pollination of uniting and combining that helps you get the breakthrough in one of the fields or areas of endeavor in which you participate.Yes, you will also make mistakes along the way, and no, you shouldn't spread yourself too thin, but it seems that the concept of concentrating on only one thing and to become very, very, good at it, might be the wrong way to play it. Is it appears that the human mind just doesn't work that way, and perhaps we missed something along the way, and didn't adequately explain it through the generations.

This is not to say that you should be scatterbrained, or master of none, rather it is to say that perhaps you should concentrate on a few and become good at all of them, and take those skills and learned abilities of the process into the next area you wish to conquer and challenge. Now then, some people might say that the up-and-coming generation is practically ADHD, and can't seem to concentrate on anything, and whereas that may be true, I don't believe it is because they are trying to be good at everything, but rather they are distracted by their personal tech toys, video games, and social networks.Nowadays, it is true that lots of people tend to be very negative. Everybody is negative about the taxes they pay, those who do not have a job moan for unemployment, those who have moan for the low wages and all together moan for the politicians. I understand. The global economic situation, is historically one of the most difficult ones. That is a very easy way to realize that whenever we focus on something, it is there. Do you want better health, better relationships and prosperity? Then give thanks to the universe, to the higher power in which you believe (depending on your religious beliefs) for all the things you have. Start counting you blessings and your life will be better.

You see, in life, first we give and then we receive. That is a rule which unfortunately we were never taught at school. So every time that you do not give thanks for what you have, it is like focusing on what you do not have. Think about it. You are stuck in the traffic and really upset...but you do not realize that you are blessed with a car (or transportation, others can not even afford to pay the ticket), with the ability to move (you are healthy) and you are doing something. It does not even cross your mind that it is a blessing to have streets, traffic lights, policemen. It is very important to focus on those blessings, in order to have more coming towards you. "But we have paid for all the streets and traffic lights, so we must have them" said a graduate of our workshops. And I reminded him of Japan, where in 6 minutes, on the 11th of March 2011, part of the country was destroyed with 16.000 lives lost, 125.000 buildings knocked down and 10 trillion damages. It is important not to take anything for granted....Nothing is given.

Every right thinking man would agree that there is a creator who made the world. So many have come to realize that no matter how intelligent any man is, his control over certain events that happen to him is still limited. The majority of highly successful people in various walks of life often credit their success not only to their natural capabilities but that coupled with the help of God who some choose to call the infinite intelligence or Supreme Being.No one living person would start a business or enter a career path with the intention of coming out as a failure. No one also would enter into marriage with the aim of not succeeding in building a healthy home. Some times folks who do not succeed in a particular line of business, career or even in marriage may be seen to be more capable than those who succeed. Since there remains certain inexplicable occurrence in the affairs of man, it would be unwise to still not believe that man's destiny ultimately is at the mercy of God. It is therefore a mark of wisdom to seek to have the help of the supreme deity in all that we set out to accomplish so as to guarantee our success.Many people are frustrated in their attempt to access the help of the Supreme Being because they are ignorant of the right way to secure his attention and therefore his help. Every thing in life works for who ever knows the correct principle of making it work. God is not an emotional being but a Spirit being whose attention can be secured any time.


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