Title: Lorenzo il Magnifico
Genre: Strategy
Studio Clangore
Cranio Creations Digital
Release Date: Aug 2019
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Patch Notes 1.5.10 (bug fixes and some new unlocks) : With everyone joining online for the free weekend this morning a recently introduced bug was found (oops!) that allowed players in public matchmaking to get into your private lobbies. That should be fixed now. There is a also a fix for a minor bug where going through a series of complicated steps involving the leaderboards menu and "play local game while waiting online" could cause the wrong leaderboard scores to preview after an arcade game. And just for good measure, this patch also has 4 new unlockable trails and 12 new emotes! Players with the patch are separated from players without it in online multiplayer so be sure to update! This sometimes requires logging out and into steam so it notices the new build.. INVERSUS Deluxe Launch Date and Community Tournaments : On September 28th , your copy of INVERSUS is getting a bit more Deluxe! You'll have tons of new maps, new Versus mode bots, new unlocks, ranked online matches, balance updates, and much much more.. Minor Update - version 1.3.4 : This is a very small maintenance update (still working away on the next big one). Fixed a bug where connecting/disconnecting a controller while the Hypersect logo animation played could cause the popup window to be distorted/unreadable. The title of the credits menu is now in all capital letters (similar to the other sub menus). Made some minor rendering changes that increase performance, but you'll never know because the game already renders lighting fast. Low intensity vibrations of the left motor on Xbox One controllers have been reduced to better match the feel of Xbox 360 and PS4 controllers.. Update 1.3.5 - Combo display and minor polish : In arcade mode, there has always been a bonus for landing consecutive shots. It is an important system if you are fighting for the high score, but player analysis was required to learn about it. This update adds the combo bonus to HUD! You can find it to the left of the arcade multiplier and I hope it helps you chase those scores! Additional updates: The arcade multiplier display is larger and has simple color animations calling out when it increases or is lost. Laptops with high and low performance graphics drivers are now instructed to default to the high performance driver. Small improvements have been made to the directional accuracy of movement input. The audio for trying to fire with no ammo and for picking up ammo will play more consistently in networked games.. Coming Soon: INVERSUS 1.5 : The next update for INVERSUS is going to be the biggest one yet and I want to give you a preview of what's to come! INVERSUS 1.5 Announce Trailer: Key Features: Compete on 12 new maps in Versus mode! Master 3 new levels in Arcade mode! Collect new split-shot ammo that can fork into multiple bullets! Sharpen your skills against the communitys most requested feature: AI controlled bots in Versus mode! On top of all that, INVERSUS 1.5 is also launching on Xbox One!. Patch Notes 1.5.12 : Another small patch hits today and it's all about balancing arcade map unlocks! The required star counts for unlocking earlier maps have been reduced, but the later maps are still just as hard to get.. Update 1.3.2 (bug fixes and colors) : Here's what's new in the 1.3.2 update (and the 1.3.1 hotfix from last week): Added 9 new color palettes to unlock! Fixed a bug where color palettes weren't resetting properly when resuming a "Play While Waiting" game. On the final round of a set public games, emotes will now continue networking up until one team chooses "Find Next Game". Previously they stopped much earlier. When bringing multiple local players into an online game, each local player's emotes now get networked individually.. Patch Notes 1.6.3 : Today there is a small update to the game. There was an issue causing the game to fail to launch directly into exclusive full screen mode (in contrast to borderless fullscreen which most players use).. Beat the Dev #3 is on Dec 10th! Play and win a Steam key! : This Saturday at 4PM Pacific we are holding the third Beat the Dev event! Winners are given a free INVERSUS key to share with a friend. The rules are simple: Head over to twitch.tv/hypersect at 4PM Pacific time and join the chat to enter and/or watch the competition. I'll invite you to a match and we play best of five maps. Each map is best of five rounds. If you win, I'll get a key sent your way. If you lose, you can try again in the next event. (In the rare case that you have internet issues and cannot hold a steady connection, you may get disqualified.) This Saturday December 10th 4 PM Pacific twitch.tv/hypersect Come have fun!
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