Title: Lorenzo il Magnifico
Genre: Strategy
Studio Clangore
Cranio Creations Digital
Release Date: Aug 2019
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Patch Notes 1.6.2 : There's a new update with a few (small) improvements! Added support for V2 DualShock4 controllers. Reduced rate at which skill (number that RP is based on) uncertainty grows due to inactivity. This means that you will lose less RP due to a loss when returning to the game after taking a hiatus. Removed the bonus RP adjustment on the loser's end when there is a large upset. This means that if you defeat a player with much higher skill, you still get an extra boost up, but if you lose to a player of much lower skill, you do not get an extra boost down. Updated to the latest version of the Hypersect engine. This results in some performance improvements and reduced download size. It should not affect the actual gameplay (and hopefully did not introduce any bugs).. New INVERSUS Deluxe Demo! : INVERSUS now has a free demo on Steam! The demo supports local play against the computer and friends, while the full game is required to play online matches and view the leaderboards. In Versus mode, you can unlock the first two maps and play with up to four players! Computer players can fight at the 2-star difficulty tier - perfect for learning the ropes.. Patch Notes 1.7.7 : You might have noticed that the game just updated, but what did it do? Todays update tackles a couple problems! Reduced False Positives. Coming Soon: INVERSUS 1.5 : The next update for INVERSUS is going to be the biggest one yet and I want to give you a preview of what's to come! INVERSUS 1.5 Announce Trailer: Key Features: Compete on 12 new maps in Versus mode! Master 3 new levels in Arcade mode! Collect new split-shot ammo that can fork into multiple bullets! Sharpen your skills against the communitys most requested feature: AI controlled bots in Versus mode! On top of all that, INVERSUS 1.5 is also launching on Xbox One!. Patch Notes 1.7.2 : It's almost INVERSUS's birthday so I think we should celebrate with a new patch! Thanks to Lyvo [lyvomusic.bandcamp.com] , INVERSUS just got a brand new song ! This is the first musical addition to the game since launch and I'm told he will also be making it available on Spotify, etc in the near future! The graphics engine has been upgraded from DirectX 9 to DirectX 11 ! This should help solve driver compatibility issues some players were having (specifically with Nvidia laptop graphics cards). This also means INVERSUS will no longer support Windows XP or Vista, but as far as I can tell, INVERSUS players are all using Windows 7 or later. Note that Steam is also removing support for XP and Vista at the end of this year. This is a large change, and while I have tested on numerous computers, I can't test every configuration possible so please email supportinversusgame.com or post on the forums if you encounter any problems. Fixed a bug that was causing motion trails to unlock later than expected. Minor improvements to the Russian language translation.. 1.1.3 and 1.1.4 Patches - Small fixes : A couple small updates went live yesterday and today. For those interested, the first one addressed a minor visual bug with some particle locations. The second one addressed a rare audio crash when the game outpaced the sound card. The next big update is coming soon.. INVERSUS Deluxe Launch Date and Community Tournaments : On September 28th , your copy of INVERSUS is getting a bit more Deluxe! You'll have tons of new maps, new Versus mode bots, new unlocks, ranked online matches, balance updates, and much much more.. December 2017 Tournament with Prizes! : Registration is now open for the final tournament of 2017 and the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place players will all get a free copy of the game to share with a friend for the holidays! Sign up and read the rules on Challonge [challonge.com] . The tournament starts on Dec 18th and will likely take a couple weeks as everyone coordinates their matches around their daily lives. All coordination happens on the INVERSUS Discord #tournaments channel [discord.gg] .
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