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Lorenzo Il Magnifico Apk Download

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About This Game

Florence, the cradle of Italian Renaissance. The city is experiencing an unprecedented economic and cultural flourishing: will your family prevail and control the city?

Lorenzo il Magnifico is a worker placement game, using three dice value to determine the strength of player’s workers.
Each game runs for three eras, and each era runs for two rounds.
During each round, you will move your family members through the narrow streets of Florence to acquire new territories, buildings and heroes, to complete quests or to work in your domains and gain resources. Send them to visit the Market in order to acquire coins, servants, military power or privileges from the city council.
But your clever plan could be screwed up by the Pope!
Each player must pay the required amount of Faith in order to avoid excommunication… or pay a terrible price!

After the sixth round, player tally their victory points and the winner will be the Signore di Firenze! 6d5b4406ea

Title: Lorenzo il Magnifico
Genre: Strategy
Studio Clangore
Cranio Creations Digital
Release Date: Aug 2019


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Patch Notes 1.6.2:
There's a new update with a few (small) improvements!

  • Added support for V2 DualShock4 controllers.
  • Reduced rate at which skill (number that RP is based on) uncertainty grows due to inactivity. This means that you will lose less RP due to a loss when returning to the game after taking a hiatus.
  • Removed the bonus RP adjustment on the loser's end when there is a large upset. This means that if you defeat a player with much higher skill, you still get an extra boost up, but if you lose to a player of much lower skill, you do not get an extra boost down.
  • Updated to the latest version of the Hypersect engine. This results in some performance improvements and reduced download size. It should not affect the actual gameplay (and hopefully did not introduce any bugs).
. Patch Notes 1.5.14 (minor bug fixes):
A small patch released to day that fixes a couple small bugs.
  • It was possible for the audio to get muffled after entering the options menu. This has been fixed.
  • The arcade map "Tiles" was rendering slightly off center. It is now very much centered.
. Online Multiplayer Refined (update 1.3.0):
INVERSUS has competition at its core and today we're making big strides towards getting players in matches more often and across more varied game modes!

Let’s talk about 2v2 battles. In the past, you could enter 2v2 as a solo player or by first making a team with a friend, but these two groups were matched up separately – solos could only match with solos and teams could only fight other teams. With the new patch, solo players and grouped teams can mix into the same 2v2 game. This means more matches for everyone!

Continuing with 2v2 improvements, I’m happy to announce that INVERSUS now supports multiple local players joining an online game! You and a friend can team up on the couch, enter matchmaking from the same computer and fight other players online. In private 2v2 games you can mix local players and online friends in any combination -- even three players at your house playing with one player at a friend’s house.

The 1.3 update also changes the cadence of how public matches are played. In the past, you would search for players until the lobby was full. Then you would play continuously with that group until someone dropped out. Games would often last a long time and both players would generally leave in unison. This made it hard to find a match if you joined while all existing lobbies were full. You’ll now get prompted to search for a new opponent after every couple maps in a public game. This will either find any stragglers or rematch with your opponent for another bout.

If you want to see how all this works in practice, check out the demo video here!

And now let’s dig into the full patch notes for the detailed oriented among you:

Primary Updates
  • Multiple local players can join in online games together (two in public team games and up to three in private games)
  • Players are asked to re-enter public matchmaking after two matches have been completed (this results in either 2 arcade maps or best of three maps in a versus game)
  • Players in team-based matchmaking and solo-based matchmaking can now play together.
  • Added an introduction animation to online matches showing which players are facing off
  • Worldwide matchmaking kicks in instantly if there are no local matches to be found. This could previously take up to 30 seconds.
  • Added six new emotes

Minor Updates
  • Two of the pickups were moved in the map “Pipes” to better utilize the outer ring and create a more interesting flow.
  • Slightly increased the enemy ship hit box in arcade mode to reduce extreme cases of enemies getting pushed away from adjacently flipped tiles
  • Effects that perform color inversion (e.g. projectile clashes) again render in areas that hang off the tiled map.
  • Flipped the spawn points of team 1 on the map “Tight” to conform with every other map
  • Made minor adjustments to a few color palettes that needed some love
  • Added digit grouping to large scores making them easier to read
. INVERSUS Deluxe Launch Date and Community Tournaments:

On September 28th, your copy of INVERSUS is getting a bit more Deluxe! You'll have tons of new maps, new Versus mode bots, new unlocks, ranked online matches, balance updates, and much much more. Get ready!

Community Tournaments. Beat the Dev #3 is on Dec 10th! Play and win a Steam key!:

This Saturday at 4PM Pacific we are holding the third Beat the Dev event! Winners are given a free INVERSUS key to share with a friend.

The rules are simple:
  • Head over to twitch.tv/hypersect at 4PM Pacific time and join the chat to enter and/or watch the competition.
  • I'll invite you to a match and we play best of five maps. Each map is best of five rounds.
  • If you win, I'll get a key sent your way. If you lose, you can try again in the next event.
  • (In the rare case that you have internet issues and cannot hold a steady connection, you may get disqualified.)

This Saturday
December 10th
4 PM Pacific
Come have fun!. 1.1.0 Patch - New Arcade Map and Lobby Updates:
This is the first patch that adds new content and substantial features to the game!

Watch me demo some of the new patch features here:

Primary Updates
  • Added a brand new arcade map, "Bricks". Good luck!
  • Added a "Play Arcade While Waiting" feature to public lobbies. You can keep playing the game while waiting for your next online match!
  • When one member of a public 2v2 game leaves, the rest of the group is always kept together in the same lobby.
  • Arcade map order was adjusted to put "Globe" later in the progression.

Minor Updates
  • Fixed a rare bug where the game over music could play on top of itself
  • Slight improvements to Korean and Japanese character support when viewed from other languages. (There is still lots to improve with Chinese, Korean and Japanese support for arbitrary Steam user names)
. INVERSUS Deluxe (update 1.5.8):

INVERSUS Deluxe is out as a free expansion for all existing players and is bundled in as part of the game for all new players! So what is new in the Deluxe edition?

AI Bots in Versus Mode
Challenge bots in 1v1 or let them fill in some empty slots in your local 2v2 game. Feeling confident in your skills? Try bumping up the difficulty. True masters will be rewarded.

More Maps
Learn new strategies on twelve new versus maps and four new arcade maps!

Split Shots
INVERSUS gets its first new power with the split shot pickup. When split shot bullets hit a wall, they split into two bullets traveling left and right. A well placed attack is a great way to capture territory on the map.

Online Skill Ranking
Earn and lose rank points based on your performance in competitive online multiplayer. Defeat high skilled players to rise past your friends on the new Rank Points leaderboard!

Good Looks
INVERSUS just got a makeover with high definition materials and soft shadows!

Unlockable Motion Trails
Players can now unlock and equip motion trail effects to show off online or at home!

And So Much More!
Who likes patch notes? If you didn’t answer "yes", you might want to turn back because we are about to get knee deep in patch notes.
  • New enemies in Arcade mode
  • Online match intros show player levels and rank points
  • Arcade maps are rated on a 5-star scale instead of 3-stars
  • Support for multiple connected keyboards being assigned to separate players
  • Tweaked scroll speed on map Ribbon
  • Minor adjustment to ammo regeneration interval
  • Input device is selected though button press instead of the controller list menu
  • Experience levels are earned faster and prestige afet 99 levels.
  • Unlocks can no longer happen randomly after a match, but still happen on level up
  • Accuracy combos continue if any projectile in a triple shot hits
  • When not all maps are unlocked, random map selection from playing online public games prefers to play unplayed maps
  • Versus mode AI battles unlock maps after defeating the AI instead of just playing on a map
  • Top players will find unlockable animated color palettes
  • More unlockable emotes
  • Language options menu shows selected language under title
  • Coop and solo arcade progression now unlock separately
  • Fixed bug where 2v2 matches could look like a draw when there was a winning team
  • Fixed bug where preview leaderboards could show wrong data
  • Increased vibration caused by collecting pickups
  • More leaderboard entries are visible at once
  • Simplified player select screen by removing control from selected players

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