Title: Little Jack's Adventures
Genre: Action, Adventure, Indie
Mihai Morosanu
Mihai Morosanu
Release Date: 28 Dec, 2016
little ropo and jack adventures
Why bother playing some half baked game? One level, really? And second - probably unfinished - so they called it bonus. Its nice "backbone" for something bigger, but in this form its unacceptable. Better stick to "Win the game" game.. This generic "let's try to be retro by beingu2665u2665u2665u2665u2665u2665quot; game's controls don't work if you put the game in fullscreen mode.. This game is so hard if it was a person it could Kill dwan the rock johnson it is literaly impossible and i cannot beat it. its sooooooooo good play it as much as u can man.. this game is very bad and i don't know how it was on steam. Jack reminds me of COMMANDER KEEN from ancient days.
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