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Knot Download Crack Serial Key

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About This Game

Have you ever heard about Chinese wood knots? If you’re not familiar with them, I’m sure you know the Magic Cube. We all went crazy handling the Magic Cube, and it was our source of inspiration for making Knot.

Knot is a 3D mechanical puzzle game with realistic graphics that will fully immerse you into its world. Each puzzle is composed of blocks that are mechanically interlocked. Your mission is to find a way to solve it by moving and rotating the correct block in order to disassemble the puzzle.

Some puzzles are easy while others are quite challenging. But don’t worry, we created the perfect atmosphere that will allow you to relax and complete your mission. You will need to be focused, because the more puzzles you solve, the harder it becomes to move a block.

These interlocking puzzles are composed of multiple materials including wood, copper, stone, etc.

We hope that you will enjoy the brain teasers as much as we did designing them. Don’t hesitate to leave us a comment or question. We will be happy to answer as much as we can.

-- 40 unique brain teasers
-- 20 unique materials
-- Many achievements to unlock
-- Gorgeous graphics a09c17d780

Title: Knot
Genre: Casual, Indie, Simulation
Warlock Arts
Warlock Arts
Release Date: 8 Feb, 2017


  • OS: Windows® XP
  • Processor: 2.0+ GHz Dual-Core Processor
  • Memory: 1 GB RAM
  • DirectX: Version 9.0
  • Storage: 1 GB available space


It's not bad, could do with more puzzles though, but a decent puzzle game. I really wanted to like this game - I really like the concept and think it could be a lot of fun - but the controls are so painful it's not really playable to me. Firstly, forget KBM, it's not going to happen. But with the controller, I couldn't seem to select anything. The right stick had some kind of cursor going on but it wouldn't stop moving when you let off of the stick, and I still couldn't get it to select anything. So I had one hand on the mouse to select objects and one on the gamepad to rotate and move parts. But then, say you need to move a part to a precise location and then you have to rotate the object in order to move it (because it can only move on two axes at once): the objects keep moving once you set them in motion, so many times it was already past the spot where you needed to move it and you had to rotate back around and try again. Eventually I just gave up, as it wasn't fun to keep doing that. This would be a great game on VR, though, and if the developer decided to port it, I'd buy it again, maybe even for more.. In Knot, you have to disassemble tangled three-dimensional solids into their separate parts. As you progress, the constructions become more complex and require more planning and time to disassemble. There is no time limit, so you can take as long as you need.

These are very good puzzles, they still look fine at high resolution, and the physics of the interlocking parts behave just as they would with actual solids. Still, the game itself has some rough edges - the rotation mechanics are cumbersome, and sometimes you have to restart a puzzle when you have maneuvered yourself into a situation you cannot undo; a rotation reset button would be welcome here.

There is only one option, and that is to mute all sound. Though the menu has an 'Extras' entry, clicking on it shows there are actually no extras. The 'Tutorial' is just a list of keyboard and controller behaviors.

Though the puzzle manipulation is a bit rough around the edges, I still recommend this to those who enjoy finding the right way to disassemble things. Thankfully, you do not have to put them back together.. Lindo juego de puzzles con elementos y rotacion 3d, no son complicados pero sirve para distraerse o quemar el tiempo.
Los graficos son buenos y la musica es relajante (quizas demasiado?).
Me hubiera gustado que tuviera la opcion de zoom in\/ zoom out, ya que en algunos niveles el color de las piezas seleccionadas no se distingue claramente de las otras y puede ser un poquito frustrante.
. Good concept that needs some work in its execution. It's certainly playable but finicky at times, no matter how many times you mute that damn annoying music it'll play again as soon as you start it back up, and often you either can't get a piece to budge when it's got plenty of room OR it'll go shooting off at lightspeed (especially when you need it carefully placed to remove another piece). These are all relatively minor flaws in a game that stands up pretty well for $5.99, but until these issues are addressed I would recommend buying it on sale. It also won't last you too long, at just over 90 minutes I'm nearly 40 puzzles in and rapidly approaching the last puzzle. With a little bit more polish, though, this puzzle game could share honors with titles like Zen Bound.. This game is far from perfect and yet I do recommend it. Even better with a discount.

The game has 40 puzzles where several 3D shapes are intertwined and your object is to move them along the 3 axis in order to "release" them. The shapes have all the same texture but each time you pick one it changes colour so you can identify its relation to other shape.

The puzzles are not too hard not too easy and they should keep you busy for a little while. I have played one game with the same concept but the puzzles were designed quite differently so I enjoyed this one.


1. The controls are not intuitive at first. There's a screen marked as a tutorial but it disappears too quick and, at least for me, some of the controls did not work as referenced in the screen.
In short, you can change point of view with the mouse. You pick a shape clicking on it and move it with the ASWD keys. The keys act according to point of view you have. If the direction you want to move the object is not well aligned horizontally or vertically, the shape will move slowly or not at all.
For me this was not a huge deal because I got used to it.

2. No puzzle browser. No way to skip puzzles or go back to a previous one.

3. Short. It took me 2 hours to solve all the 40 puzzles.. Much hard! Can't move the blocks very well with the keyboard!

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