Title: Judgement
Genre: Adventure
Nathan Archer, Luke Brown, Dan Kramer
Newfa Games
Release Date: 15 Sep, 2015
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I might be unfair in this. I only gave the game 20 minutes. I might play it more, to get a better sense of the game (and to get my money's worth out of it). The gameplay seems mostly simple: 2D walk-around hack-and-slash, with clickable bits that tell you about the story and cryptic clues to something else. Nothing bad, the combat mechanic is decent, but nothing special either. Combat (with the sword, anyway) mostly boils down to "Can you time it right?" interspersed with "Can you mash it fast?" 4/10 Graphics are nothing to write home about, but I didn't expect much. Completely forgivable on this account. The pencil-drawing "cutscene"/background bits are a nice touch, but are a bit jarring in the transition from normal gameplay. The normal gameplay tiles/textures aren't too bad, nice and varied. The two convey the horror feel of the game very well, but in very different ways. 6/10 What killed it for me was the story itself. The PC feels a boring and bland. I might be wrong on the outcome of the story but it looks pretty straightforward to me. The only surprise "twist" I encountered was that trying to save the bully instead of executing him results in him instantly killing you, and you are warped back a few paces to try it again. I found this extremely disappointing: that you would offer the illusion of choice when the only "choice" is how to execute him. If you want the player to kill this bully character (who you introduce just before we are given the choice) I suggest you remove the option to let him go entirely. To sum up, 20 minutes of storyline failed to really engage me and in fact was more off-putting than it was interesting, to me. 3/10. Overall, it's awesome that you've finished a game, published it, and are selling copies. The price seems pretty reasonable. But. I actually regret buying this one. 4/10.. Game made me depressed and sad.. didnt enjoy it.. There's a kernel of something good in this game, but it still needs a lot of polish for it to come through. I guess $5 was cheap enough to risk it, but I can't recommend it unless you're feeling super open minded.. This game is quite nice somehow, I think it's okish. If you want some disturbing decisions it's great and I kinda enjoyed it actually, even though my mind broke in some decisions. like seriously? What the hell is wrong with the Devs to put someone in such situations. Hell no! Still, would buy again, wating for Part 2 now. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=22MPdQPWNQE. didnt enjoy it.. There's a kernel of something good in this game, but it still needs a lot of polish for it to come through. I guess $5 was cheap enough to risk it, but I can't recommend it unless you're feeling super open minded.
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