
Chinese Association of Idaho State University (CAISU)

The difference between successful people and those who daydream Awaken The Species Review about it is - Action Forget about making any more excuses about why you can't do something and pick just one thing right now that will take you one step closer to what you want. It may be calling one person to talk to them and ask some questions or visiting some place that will generate some excitement for you to boost your momentum. Read whatever you can for ideas on how-to or interview someone who has traveled the road you want to go down.You're probably reading this because you have an interest in improving some aspect of your life. The good news is that there are many simple things you can do to improve your experience of life and will cover many of them in the articles on this site.

To begin, I'd like to ask, "Who is going to have the biggest effect on your future life"Many of us would answer that it's our spouse, our children, or the government. Others might say it's the trials and tribulations of their everyday lives; the driver who cuts them up on the way to work; the queue in the supermarket on Saturday afternoons; or the fact that someone let them down with a delivery. All of these examples pass responsibility for our mood, thoughts and experience of life to other people or external factors over which we have no direct control. From this standpoint, we live our lives reactively moving from one crisis to another, waiting patiently for the day when these external 'diversions' settle down. When that day dawns - we tell ourselves - then finally we'll be able to turn things around

Put in these simple terms we can see how this attitude would seem to lead to a poorer experience of life. However, for many of us it's our chosen norm and it suits us just fine. Whilst it may not always be obvious what the 'payback' is for continuing with this way of thinking and behaving, there MUST be one, or else we would simply not continue with it. The payback could be as straightforward as the fact that operating in this way brings us extra attention, or gives us something to have a good old moan about By far the biggest 'benefit' of this attitude is that it ensures that there's always somebody else to blame - and that feels good

In sharp contrast, there is a different way of operating in the world that, if we choose it, allows us to exercise control over our lives. It involves totally accepting personal responsibility for the life we are living.Taking personal responsibility for our own life can be very scary at first. After all, if we're going to give up blaming everybody else, does that mean we have to take the blame ourselves Not at all The ultimate way for most of us to begin making significant and enduring improvements to our lives is to abandon the concept of 'blame' completely, and in its place to embrace the concept of 'responsibility' . Where appointing 'blame' depends on us making (often damning) judgements, accepting 'responsibility' requires us to have a mature grasp of the realities of life. We'll wait a very long time for a perfect world to emerge. We might as well make a start on dealing with the imperfect one that we're all currently inhabiting.


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