Title: Inklings
Genre: Action, Casual, Indie, Strategy
Applepine Games
Applepine Games
Release Date: 6 Oct, 2016
English,French,German,Russian,Simplified Chinese
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It's a very beautiful game, there is no doubt about that. It also is a fun spin on the lemmings concept, it does however befall the same issues that this genre of game has. It can get pretty tedious at times but I can't really blame the game because it is more of a complaint I have with the lemmings genre rather than this particular game. It's a fun game to pass some time but it's niche and I wouldn't recommend to everyone, but if it looks like your type of game it is probably one of the best currently.. Great game, very challenging!. Looks like a cute lemmings-like game, but a strange bug prevents me from getting more than a few levels in. For some reason, it keeps opening dozens and dozens of audio decoder instances in the background. After a few minutes, the game runs out of memory and crashes.. I bought this looking for a good Lemmings -style puzzle game on Steam. Inklings doesn't blow you away, but it's solidly good: challenging and well-made. It's faithful to the original Lemmings with usable controls, simple understandable mechanics, and a unique graphics style. It's enjoyable. The biggest con is that some of the puzzles aren't super elegant, requiring hacky solutions or careful timing that is annoying to get right. But, if you're looking for Lemmings , this is as good as you're going to get.
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