Title: Infinity Wars - Wealthy Noble's Lock Box
Genre: Free to Play, Indie, Massively Multiplayer, Strategy
Lightmare Studios
Release Date: 13 Jun, 2016
English,Simplified Chinese
This is not such a great deal. You get almost as much value for what you pay (still slightly better than LP purchase in store). If you are new, I'd suggest getting either the Martyr's Bounty DLC (extremely good deal) or Treasure of the Calamity DLC (very good deal) instead. If you want some extra LP, you can also snag this one alongside the others. Only really recommended if it's on sale for a discounted price, otherwise it's still okay to get, but nothing special.
Recommended if on sale.<\/b> You may choose to play this game for free as it has a fantastic free-to-play mode that won't take you long to acquire a decent deck, but this will give you a slight headstart.<\/i>
If you are new, I will help you understand what value this has.
1 Booster Pack = 150 LP (purchasable ingame currency) or 3000 IP (grindable ingame currency)
$1 = ~200 LP
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