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IL-2 Sturmovik: Cliffs Of Dover Blitz Edition Full Crack

IL-2 Sturmovik: Cliffs Of Dover Blitz Edition Full Crack

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About This Game

Join the decisive aerial battle of the 20th Century - The Battle of Britain. Zoom over the white cliffs as a Fighter pilot in the Spitfires and Hurricanes of the Royal Air 5d3b920ae0

Title: IL-2 Sturmovik: Cliffs of Dover Blitz Edition
Genre: Simulation
Team Fusion Simulations, 1C: Maddox Games
1C Entertainment
Release Date: 14 Dec, 2017


  • Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system
  • OS: Windows 7 64-bit
  • Processor: Intel Core I5 6500 or equiva


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IL-2 Sturmovik: Cliffs Of Dover Blitz Patch 4.55 : Fix for 1080Ti cards not loading correct texture mipmaps Revised 4.5 quick missions 109s have historically correct two radiator circuits Fiat BR-20 engine control lever bug. numbering texture has the "7" and "6" reversed Spitfire Mk I, Mk Ia, and Mk IIa: Wheel brake lever now animated Bug causing hit to the right water radiator to damage the left water radiator fixed Beaufighter cockpit glass more transparent for pilot and observer Gladiator enhancements to its external model Hurricane control column chain animation corrected Enhanced English field textures Disabled Anthropomorphic Control, option not available. Aircrafts of air groups marked as scramble (Full Mission Builder) now start with pre-warmed and running engines. To prevent planes from rolling ahead on spawn-in, chocks are initially set and a message is shown in the info window. Fixes to enable track record compatibility between game versions Oxygen tank damage now in effect Removed vehicles from plane select listing Smoother grass rendering Weapons/smoke effects revised CR-42 aileron wire animation bug fixed Ju88 Bottom gunner: annoying moving dot removed from the cockpit. NOTE: 1. As usual, please be sure to delete your cache folder (in your 'Documents/1C SoftClub/il-2 sturmovik cliffs of dover' folder) before running the game again. 2. Unfortunately Avast and AVG Antivirus (and only those, belonging to the same company) have repeatedly and falsely considered Cliffs of Dover's Launcher64.exe as a possible virus. There's nothing we currently can do about this. If you are using one of the two and are having trouble starting Cliffs, please set the Launcher64.exe on their whitelist. Sorry for the inconveniences. 3. Make sure to rebind your Prop. pitch Automation key to the new 'Toggle Propeller Pitch Mode' in Control settings if your auto pitch is not working in aircraft with auto pitch. as in Bf109E-4 and Bf-110C models.. IL-2 Sturmovik: Cliffs of Dover BLITZ Edition Released! : Dear Pilots, 1C Game Studios, in partnership with Team Fusion Simulations, is proud to announce the release of a newly updated and improvedBLITZedition of theIL-2 Sturmovik: Cliffs of Dover! As announced previously, 1CGS has partnered with Team Fusion Simulations to codify and improve their previous mod work and make it an official part of Dover. The result of that effort is now here! All current owners of Cliffs of Dover Classic will receive BLITZ forFREEin their Steam Library starting today. You just need to install to play. It may already be there waiting for you. If you don't already own Cliffs of Dover you can purchase it from the Steam store. To celebrate the launch, from December 14th until January 4th BLITZ will be on sale for25% OFF. The regular price after the special will be $24.99.

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