Title: Iffy Institute
Genre: Action, Casual, Indie, Strategy
Iffy Labs
Release Date: 1 Feb, 2019
iffy institute. iffy institute
Update 0.4.1 is out now. : Only one week after starting Early Access, we release our first update to the game. There are three main parts to it: - Added public online multiplayer - Added start menu (choose between Tutorial, local multiplayer and online multiplayer) - Added online lobby list - Reworked the Lobby System - Turned down the volume of the explosion sound and removed the bass - Removed the friendlist overlay and the invite system - Fixed a bug where the game would crash when a player leaves the lobby - Fixed a bug where the wrong buttons were shown in the lobby - Fixed a bug where the victory screen was empty after 5 rounds leading to an endless loop - Online: Fixed a bug where a player could add a second player to the online multiplayer, causing errors - Online: Fixed a bug where the match settings wouldn't synchronize correctly with the players - Online: Fixed a bug where the game would crash when a player tried to rejoin the lobby - Online: Fixed a bug where your character would change every time a player joins the lobby - Online: Fixed a bug where different players were able to win a game at the same time - Online: Fixed a bug where some players rounds were over while other players are still in a game Thank you for both the lovely and fierce feedback.. Release Update! : Hey everyone! In the last few weeks we took the time to squash all remaining bugs we could find and implement Steam achievements into the game. For now, this is the last update for the early access version, which means that the game has now reached GOLD MASTER status. Thanks to everyone that took the time to give us feedback and help us refine our very first commercially released game.. Halloween Update! : Hey folks!
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