
Chinese Association of Idaho State University (CAISU)

I stepped on the scale this morning after not looking at it for Keto-T911 Review  months and dreading what it would tell me. I was right, I have gained twenty pounds in two months. How did that happen? I felt and saw the weight creeping up on me and did nothing about it. Shame on me.

After beating up on myself and feeling depressed for half the day, I decided that this could not go on any longer so I made a vow that going forward no more junk, sweets or processed foods for me no matter how good they taste only fruits and veggies coupled with exercise going forward. How do I get started with exercise when I have no energy or desire to exercise? now that is a problem, but this weight must come off before next summer. I sat an thought about it then it hit me.

The only way that the weight will come off is if I started eating the proper foods and exercising, so I started with dinner, I made a meal packed with protein and little carbs (my weakness) and topped it off with a tall glass of refreshing water. The next morning I got up an hour early and did a few basic exercises, as I did them my motivation was the cute dress that I took out of the closet and kept in sight. if I was going to fit into it by summer I had to get up and get my body moving daily.

Here is a snapshot of my daily workout routine: my schedule is too hectic to join a gym so I have to work out at home, I do this routine twice a day for 30 minutes each 4 to 5 days a week. I ride the stationary bike for fifteen minutes, while riding the bike, for the last five minutes I do 10 arm curls each with 5lbs weights and use a long broom stick across my shoulders to do twenty side twists. Remember this is all while pedaling the bike. I dismount the bike and while bracing myself on the bike handle I do 20 leg lifts (back and forth) in order to tighten my buns.


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