Title: Homebrew - Patent Unknown
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Release Date: 14 Nov, 2014
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Come and get your Wheels!:
Hello fellow Homebrewers... we have something in store for you!
Wheels ... Loads of wheels.
bike wheels, dirt wheels, classy wheels, square wheels, sphere wheels, sport wheels, spiked wheels, armored wheels, sci-fi wheels, invisible wheels, you name it we got it.
Wheels are now split into Rims and Tyres, allowing you to combine them in whatever way you want.
Currently we have 51 rims and 47 tyres providing a total of 2397 combinations!
a Big shout-out to Vectura for making these awesome wheels.
For people who are interested in importing their own wheels, we provide an option to convert 3d models (.obj) to wheels in homebrew.
simply type "/settings-wheelreplacer dev true" in the chat and an import button will appear in the properties panel of your wheels.
Copybugpaste Team
Homebrew Patent Unknown
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