Title: Hive - The Pillbug
Genre: Casual, Indie, Strategy
BlueLine Games
BlueLine Games
Release Date: 20 Mar, 2014
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I like Hive a lot, but I think the Pillbug is pretty essential. Without it, I feel that there is a prevailing strategy which is a bit too apparent, and I feel like the games can get stuck in a similar rut/pattern. Playing with the Pillbug changes everything, though. The Pillbug introduces a lot more depth and complexity, and games are more interesting & last longer with it in play.. Every expansion piece for Hive provides an excellent twist to the existing game.. Grab the complete pack as all three extra bugs are great. Pillbug adds some interesting defense and control.. uff32uff25uff21uff2c uff29uff33uff2fuff30uff2fuff24 uff28uff2fuff35uff32uff33
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