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Hindi The Circle Free Download ->->->-> DOWNLOAD

Original Title: The Circle

Genge: Action,Adventure,Drama,Sci-Fi

































Minister Jaro has Kira replaced by Li Nalas in security, and is surprised Sisko is not pleased by this. He tells Sisko the main reason for putting the war hero on the station, is the escalating unrest on Bajor. While Kira's friends from the station say goodbye, she gets a sudden visit from Vedek Bareil, who invites her to the Vedek monastery, which she accepts. Soon after her arrival at the monastery, Kira finds life there is not for her, and gets restless. Bareil then shows her the monastery possesses of one the Orbs of the Prophets. Meanwhile, Quark has some important information for Odo. He has heard the Kressari, normally botanical DNA traders, have been supplying weapons to The Circle.
Kira spends time with Vedek Bareil on Bajor just as "The Circle" begins arming themselves from a mysterious source.
This is the second in a three part storyline. Major Kira is fired as Bajor liaison to DS9 and replaced by Li Nalas - a position he does not want and is not comfortable with. It is obviously done to keep him off Bajor where he might act as a calming and uniting influence. Kira, at Vedek Bareil's invitation, goes to the monastery where he is the spiritual leader to come to terms with leaving DS9 and to figure out what she will do next. The Circle grows ever stronger and more violent and Odo investigates where they are getting their arms from. Kira is kidnapped from the monastery and Sisko leads a team that includes Li Nalas to rescue her. This is an exciting episode with two especially good scenes. The first is when Kira's DS9 comrades (even Quark) stop by Kira's quarters to wish her well - in some cases in a rather stumbling but endearing fashion and she fully realizes then how much she'll miss her friends and DS9. The second scene is the political machinations between Vedek Winn and the Bajoran political leader. Louise Fletcher is just wonderful as the ambitious and manipulative wannabe Kai.
This episode as well as being great Political Intrigue is also important social commentary as to why Vigilance should ever be our lot: Ever since an unpopular regime in the United States was toppled in 2008, there have been those who would arm themselves and use domestic terrorism to cause a new Administration to Fail: On Bajor, this is The Circle which is plotting to overturn the Provisional Government. On Earth in 2013, it is the Tea Party, a powerless Political Party who unfortunately has powerful Cardassian-Like weapons providers backing them up. A Party which is just like Vedek Winn-Ratchet (Louise Fletcher) in their obsessive religious conservatism. And if we continue to watch DS9 - She actually does Gain Power. This frightens me as it should frighten every sane and educated American in the US- And so this Episode is a STARK reminder of what WILL happen when a person of too strict of conservative beliefs gains power over a whole Nation or Planet of free thinkers and insists that every person in their sphere of influence and under their governance take on similar beliefs - By LAW and GUNPOINT. If not for the counterbalance of The Sisko, the Emissary of The Prophets, Bajor would have been doomed.

And so the question for both this episode and the similar events in 2013, becomes "Where are these weapons coming from" - As a SMALL group of "Bajor-For-Bajorans-Only" sect - Maybe even the Kon-Mah- Have suddenly been given the power to pull off an ARMED COUP. How? These events had their beginning in "Past Prologue"- Why would The Cardassians in a Galor-Class Warship even ALLOW Tana Los to get near DS9? Because as we see here, they wanted him to get back to Bajor- If they had wanted to destroy his ship, then his ship would have been destroyed. Consequently, they knew that Tana's return to Bajor would in fact cause his reclusive beliefs to spread to more of the population.

It is not the The Cardassians actually agreed with Tana Los - On the contrary. Their goal was always the return of Bajor to Cardassian Rule: In all Seven Seasons of DS9 and the last 2 Seasons of TNG.

This episode was not immediately politically relevant in 1995-1996 when it came out, but even back then the seeds of this type of discontent had been planted. In 2013, these seeds have bloomed into an outbreak of Poisonous Weeds.

The Solution is of course what The Sisko does here - Counter-Coup, Counter-Insurgence. The Sisko has to deliver the proof he needs to show what is left of The Provisional Government that The Cardassians gave The Circle the ability to pull this off, so that The Federation would retreat from Bajor, leaving Bajor and it's Prize, The Gamma Quadrant Wormhole and Celestial Temple of The Prophets unprotected and all Cardassia has to do is come back and take over again.

But first two things have to happen: The Federation actually has to leave, which they have not done, and the Station has to be appropriated. Not on The Sisko's watch and certainly not while Li Nalas is the new "Mavek" - This is his chance to actually earn the glory he has been given, which he does.

And the Military Governor who comes to take over the station, he is simply a Military Governor, doing what he is being ordered to do - But his immediate Underling is a member of The Circle - His Circle agenda interfering with his ability to see what is good for Bajor.

On the Station, it is Miles Edward O'Brien who has to pack up every last bit of Federation Tech. And Non-Combatants must be shipped out, but many Loyal Bajorans - Those who are intimately connected to the Humans they work with - Agree to stay as does Li Nalas - And some stay not out of Choice but because Rom sold his Runabout seat- Like Quark.

In the end, the evidence of Cardassian Interference must be given to the Assembly in time to Prevent Jaro Nixon from taking power and then giving Winn unprecedented religious POWER- But this First Minister Nixon/Jaro has blockaded the planet, which Leaves it to Dax and Kira to get through.

So what we have here, is a scrambling, Odo scrambles to find evidence, The Sisko must get that evidence to Bajor at all costs. How it will be done is the subject of the last installment of this 4-parter.

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