Title: Heroes Rise: The Hero Project
Genre: Indie, RPG
Choice of Games
Choice of Games
Release Date: 20 Sep, 2013
i have never felt so ♥♥♥♥ing amazed by a game that didnt inculde me chopping off someones torso.
. Aside from an anvilicious debate towards the middle that felt like it came out of nowhere, this is a strong follow up to The Prodigy. Flush with your successes from the previous game, you take part in a reality tv show to form America's next great Supers Team. Much like Slammed, this game has betrayal, scandal, fame, and public opinion as major themes.
The twists towards the latter half were interesting as well. It's also the first and only of the three that I faced a game-over in.. Thats why l love humunity 1110/10. Spends two hours playing through The Hero Project
Is asks to vote for the Popular alliance
Chooses 'I don't know which way I'm voting'
Game dumps boyfriend, alienates Lucky and annoys Null
10/10 would play again. Heroes Rise: The Hero Project is the second game after Heroes Rise: The Prodigy. It's so good that it loops around into being one of the worst games on Steam.
+ You get to choose between 5 whole different personalities at the very beginning that you get to stick to for the whole game! Also if you decide to "choose" any option that isn't perfectly consistent with what your character said about themselves at the beginning of the game, you get punished. You will really get that magical feeling of exploring all 4 failure options and the 1 correct one in every playthrough.
+ Any respectable game needs an entire recurring character dedicated to the "flamboyant gay" stereotype with no other personality traits whatsoever! Everyone knows if you prefer the same gender romantically, you are automatically fierce, sassy, and extremely emotional.
+ Nothing says 'well-written' like a fake swear word that is used on average once every 3 pages. You will no doubt feel like this game was written by a mature adult when you are deeply immersed by the narration (and I quote): "Slugger. Slugger slugger slugger slugger."
+ Just like last game, you are attracted to males, females, or both. Don't worry, you'll get plenty of unskippable romance scenes with each of your two one-dimensional love interests. No naughty asexuals allowed!
- I don't like it. Can't imagine why.. If you like super heroes and text based adventures this is a game for you!. While I enjoyed the first game I have to disapprove of this one.
I have no issues with certain political agendas and issues handled in a game but I don't want to get rubed in the face with certain agendas otherwise I'd make a tumblr account. So no thanks.
Mind you, there was only one scene which felt forced and pushing into certain agendas though I have to say it really ruined that game for me.. Heroes Rise was was defnintely captivating. I will admit that this story threw me off a bit taking the role of a game show, but in the end I liked how it all played out. Also, while I understand the gender and sexuality issues in our society and I appreciate that this story brought them into consideration, I found it very odd that this story focused so heavily on the drama surrounding it.... In short, the story got very awkward in a few places. I will give this story a 7/10.
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