Title: Hero Siege - The Karp of Doom
Genre: Action, Adventure, Indie, Massively Multiplayer, RPG
Elias Viglione, Jussi Kukkonen
Panic Art Studios
Release Da
hero siege - the karp of doom. hero siege - the karp of doom (digital collector's edition). hero siege - the karp of doom. hero siege - the karp of doom (digital collector's edition)
it says i need to verify y email. Resent 2732846326473217623456789876543456789043635274644637636,0000000000000000 Times and STILL nothing. And the website said its apparently 'resolved' .. The new relics from this pack are handy, and the Samurai class is entertaining. This DLC adds one of my favourite characters, the Samurai. His abilities are broken OP and THAT'S HOW I LIKE IT! I know everyone hates pay-to-win games like WoW or whatever, but I really like the fact that I paid the reduced cost of 82 cents for this and got something that HELPS me win the game. The samurai is, overall, one of the best classes in the game. One thing I have to complain about, however, is Hololo, the boss that floods the entire map, surrounding you in a bubble that slowly chokes you to death unless you're a high enough level to kill him quickly. He's sorta broken OP as well. I know this game doesn't do much hand-holding, it being a roguelike hack-n-slash, but for the time being my samurai isn't strong enough to kill this guy before I run out of oxygen. I'll kill him eventually, but it's sort of bad game design to have a boss fight like this.. Compared to the previous DLC and/or even without the another DLC released, this is wouldn't what I would recommend. For $3.00 lesser than the price tag of the game, which is more than half of what the game cost, you would think that this DLC has so much to offer, but you are wrong to think so. The content is really little, the Samurai class is very buggy as well. I honestly regret getting this DLC because the Samurai class is too buggy to even play it successfully, I might be wrong on this but when I play Samurai, since all his skills are being activated then aimed at an area, if you are holding or just touching the movement key as you aim that skill with your attack in a direction, the skill might (mostly) go to the other direction, which is not the one you use your attack in that direction. Sometimes, it even goes up/down when you are aiming and moving horizontally. Fix this, otherwise, it is honestly the most regretful DLC someone would get, because most of us bought it for the Samurai after watching few gameplays.. This DLC adds one of my favourite characters, the Samurai. His abilities are broken OP and THAT'S HOW I LIKE IT! I know everyone hates pay-to-win games like WoW or whatever, but I really like the fact that I paid the reduced cost of 82 cents for this and got something that HELPS me win the game. The samurai is, overall, one of the best classes in the game. One thing I have to complain about, however, is Hololo, the boss that floods the entire map, surrounding you in a bubble that slowly chokes you to death unless you're a high enough level to kill him quickly. He's sorta broken OP as well. I know this game doesn't do much hand-holding, it being a roguelike hack-n-slash, but for the time being my samurai isn't strong enough to kill this guy before I run out of oxygen. I'll kill him eventually, but it's sort of bad game design to have a boss fight like this.. Super buggy. please fix i have the dlc but it saids i do not and the multiplayer aint working and shet and shet.
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