Title: Heliborne - Winter Camouflage Pack
Genre: Action, Indie, Massively Multiplayer
JetCat Games
Release Date: 18 Dec, 2017
The skins for the helicopters are crisp and clean, good for filling out a small JSDF helicopter squadron or giving the Russian choppers a clean white look. While they would be best suited to an arctic or snowey map, they should provide at least moderate camo in the desert. Not that it really matters since the player will have their name and helicopter icon hovering above them when inside spotting range, but it's a nice little cosmetic option. As well as getting the different skins for the Huey, Cobra, Hind, and Hip, there are four helmate patches the player may use to customize their profile. At around $3.99 in USD or your regional equivilent, it's a fair price for the pack. Obviously if you can catch it on a sale, you'll want to get it at that point, but if you cannot wait then it's still at a nice affordable price.. The skins for the helicopters are crisp and clean, good for filling out a small JSDF helicopter squadron or giving the Russian choppers a clean white look. While they would be best suited to an arctic or snowey map, they should provide at least moderate camo in the desert. Not that it really matters since the player will have their name and helicopter icon hovering above them when inside spotting range, but it's a nice little cosmetic option. As well as getting the different skins for the Huey, Cobra, Hind, and Hip, there are four helmate patches the player may use to customize their profile. At around $3.99 in USD or your regional equivilent, it's a fair price for the pack. Obviously if you can catch it on a sale, you'll want to get it at that point, but if you cannot wait then it's still at a nice affordable price.
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