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Heart Of The House Free Download Install

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About This Game

Destroy the evil at the heart of a haunted manor! As an orphan, you discovered your ability to commune with the spirit world and ghosts. When your uncle Kent mysteriously disappears, you'll embark on a journey to find out what really happened. With your trusty companion Devanand at your side, you make your way to Darnecroy Manor, where Kent was last seen. It is...The House.

Heart of the House is 360,000-word interactive Gothic novel by Nissa Campbell. It's entirely text-based—without graphics or sound effects—and fueled by the vast, unstoppable power of your imagination.

Within the manor, you'll encounter the master, Lord Bastian Reaves; his mysterious servants, Oriana and Loren; and the thousands of spirits teeming around and in this haunted mansion. But will you shatter the power that binds the ghosts to the House, or claim it for yourself? Can love bloom in a haunted house? Most importantly, how will you escape when the House comes for you?

  • Play as male, female, or non-binary; gay, straight, bi, ace, or poly
  • Explore the halls of the House, even as they seem to shift before your eyes
  • Encounter ghosts, spirits, and echoes, as you search for your lost Uncle Kent
  • Fight against an ancient evil or embrace its demonic gifts
  • Indulge in steamy, chaste, sweet, or provocative romances, or go it alone
  • Exploit the secrets you find for self-serving ends or use them to help your friends
  • Defeat your greatest fears in bone-chilling moments of terror...if you can
  • Choose whom you can save, if anyone, from the horrors the House contains

For some, there may be no escape from The Heart of the House. 7ad7b8b382

Title: Heart of the House
Genre: Adventure, Indie, RPG
Choice of Games
Choice of Games
Release Date: 26 Oct, 2017


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i love this entire story and the world created with it! i love the characters, and even got a bit nervous at some points. i love it when i can get really invested in a game and this easily lets that happen. i'll definetly try to get my roomates to play this!. A beautifully crafted tale of horror and romance.. i love this entire story and the world created with it! i love the characters, and even got a bit nervous at some points. i love it when i can get really invested in a game and this easily lets that happen. i'll definetly try to get my roomates to play this!. Ive played this one through three times from start to finish and still feel like there's still something waitting for me to discover. A very good read, interesting characters, but i think the most interesting character might be over looked by the casual player.
Im still looking to win over the Heart of the House = ). Ive played this one through three times from start to finish and still feel like there's still something waitting for me to discover. A very good read, interesting characters, but i think the most interesting character might be over looked by the casual player.
Im still looking to win over the Heart of the House = ). So I'm a chump who bought this game twice in the same day (though to be fair I like playing games in bed and it was cheaper on mobile). If that's not enough to tell you how good it is, then keep reading!

This is definitely one of the better CoGs in terms of quality, story, and choice.

The mystery and romance are fantastic, the charactes are vivid, the horror is good, and I've played through 4 times and I'm just barely scratching the surface. I saw people talking on the CoG forums about a major character that I haven't even officially met yet. I only *just* managed to get my first mostly happy ending.

The only possible con that I can come up with is that it's a bit overwhelming at first. There are so many choices and they are all important. One little mis-step is all it takes and suddenly you're either restarting or playing a tragedy. I got a bit frustrated after the 2nd time this happened towards the end (this game is LONG, and like all CoGs there's no save function, so I had a lot of emotional investment going) and had to stop to take a break, but I came back later twice as determined and eager to see it to the bitter end.

I'm not even close to done with this game yet. It's a gothic romantic mystery full of eldritch horrors and if that sounds like a good time then you should check out the demo.

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