Title: Gravitura
Genre: Action, Casual, Indie, Simulation
Chadams Studios
Chadams Studios
Release Date: 17 May, 2019
Gravitura offers up blood-curdling orbital acrobatics. In spades. u2714ufe0f I'm no physician, but the Newtonian physics seem quite realistic and really make me appreciate the stability of living on Earth u2714ufe0f Nice subtle music, decent SFX (although would like to hear SFX for the ship) u2714ufe0f Spacetacular graphics u2714ufe0f Visualization of trajectory = ud83dudc4c u274c Restarting a level is fairly slow (level name screen is shown each time). Those of us who crash quickly and consistently may regain our composure more easily if there were an instant restart option. u274c Mouse controls didn't quite "click" with me. It would be interesting to see some alternate control schemes (directional keys, analog stick). u274c Difficulty could stand to be more forgiving on easy mode (perhaps a greater pickup radius, or a chance of keeping an orb on death?).. Gravitura offers up blood-curdling orbital acrobatics. In spades. u2714ufe0f I'm no physician, but the Newtonian physics seem quite realistic and really make me appreciate the stability of living on Earth u2714ufe0f Nice subtle music, decent SFX (although would like to hear SFX for the ship) u2714ufe0f Spacetacular graphics u2714ufe0f Visualization of trajectory = ud83dudc4c u274c Restarting a level is fairly slow (level name screen is shown each time). Those of us who crash quickly and consistently may regain our composure more easily if there were an instant restart option. u274c Mouse controls didn't quite "click" with me. It would be interesting to see some alternate control schemes (directional keys, analog stick). u274c Difficulty could stand to be more forgiving on easy mode (perhaps a greater pickup radius, or a chance of keeping an orb on death?).
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