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Gran Vitreous Download Crack Serial Key

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About This Game

Gran Vitreous is a PC shmup that combines classic arena shooter gameplay with the mechanics of a loot driven action RPG. Upgrade your ships equipment and level up as you battle through a galaxy filled with randomly generated encounters.

Fight your way through a randomly generated galaxy as it unfolds in front of you. Each zone you encounter is unique; asteroid fields, gravity wells, large motherships, and massive army clusters are just some of the zone types you will find. In addition each zone is randomly given attributes that change the encounter, you could be fighting against larger tougher enemies in one zone and in another be battling in a tiny arena with slow firing enemies and your ships weapons are overcharged.

Enemies you destroy drop items and credits that you can use to upgrade your hull, shields, utility, main weapons, secondary weapons, and super weapons. Every piece of equipment is a unique piece of loot with randomly assigned stats and attributes. Item attributes are those you've come to expect from the loot driven subgenre (Critical hit chance, Increased item drop rate, Increased damage percent).

You will also gain XP from enemies you destroy to level up and gain skill points as well as allowing you to use higher level items. Use your skill points to enhance your ship in the way you see fit whether its to strengthen your shields increase your firerate or increase the drop quality of your items. Forge the ultimate weapon of space destruction to fight your way through the toughest enemies and bosses towards the edge of charted space. 7aa9394dea

Title: Gran Vitreous
Genre: Action, Indie, RPG
Heliocentric Studios
Heliocentric Studios
Release Date: 20 May, 2015


I know my time playing the game as of writing this review is short, but I can safely say that it's my kind of game. It's very much in the Geometry Wars family... perhaps a bit too much, but with skill trees and lasting ship upgrades thrown into the mix, it's got enough going on to make it its own game.

It's fun to play, with good twin-stick controls and lots of variety in enemy type, complete with "boss battles" and differing objectives (I started one level only to be told my weapons weren't working, so I had to stay alive and dodge rather than fight). Secondary objectives add to the mix in each system, and environmental hazards are factored in as well.

Controller support is outstanding with my Xbox 360 controller. Colored icons that look like buttons make things easy to navigate (always a nice touch). Everything is smooth and responsive. The only gripe I have control wise is that bombs and "super weapons" use a control scheme that's completely inpractical in a twin-stick shooter - you use your targeting controller to place them, while continuing to move about with your main controller, and then once releaced, you have to go back to shooting RIGHT EFFIN' NOW or you're dead.

There's a difficulty curve here, but death penalties are minimal, and it's pretty easy to pick up and play. The visuals are flat but functional - nothing special, but perfectly servicable. The game's main downfall is the sound - unimpressive effects and a flat-out boring soundtrack. If the dev could address THIS particular problem especially, I think this would be a pretty awesome game.

At only $4.99 US regular price, the game is well worth it. I got it for 40% off, and I can only say LUCKY! If you're into twin stick shooters and persistant upgrades, then it's worth a play... but turn off the music and play your own.

(edited for a spelling mistake - hey Valve - where's the spellcheck?). This game is probably the best value for your dollar on Steam, period. A strong RPG progression system that includes both equipment changes, skills, and even a form of crafting. The base game is a 2d space shooter, but all of its parts combine to make something you don't want to miss.

+ A wide variety of weapons which all function differently.
+ Several abilities to choose from in the form of a 'Utility' slot
+ Many levels, all randomly generated
+ A bonus system, also random, allowing you to challenge yourself
+ A strong classic foundation (that of 2d space shooter)
+ An involved development team
+ A Path of Exile like Item crafting system. Allowing you to randomize stats and upgrade rarity on items you pick up
+ A unique battle every new system you go in to
+ A variety of enemies
+ Easy to pick up and just play 15 minutes when you don't have much time
+ Easy to sit down and play 14 hours straight if aren't careful

- I found a bug. Just one.
- After a certain point (for me about 40 hours in) I began wishing for more challenge
- Little real story, though this didn't bother me
- No real manual that I could find
- Controls took some searching

Well worth the asking price of $5. A spectacular little game that you can pour hours into.

EDIT, 4\/11\/16:
I still strongly recommend this game if you're a fan of RPG-based shooters. It seems, unfortunately, that the developer has stopped releasing new content though. I would've been thrilled if more content (even in the form of paid DLC's) was released, but no such luck. Do not let this put you off though, there's still a great deal of enjoyment to be gotten from this inexpensive top-down shooter.. not as good as geometry wars. Fun game, but grindy. In fact, with the right combination of trash gear, you can keep going until you simply don't do enough damage to kill fast enough, then upgrade to the appropriate level of trash gear, and repeat the process. Rerolling the gear is fun as always, but costs are too high for rare gear. Charge ability is a bit OP, whereas nukes aren't that useful. All in all a fun game that requires very low initial time investment (as opposed to say, Diablo III).

Still highly recommended however, as I find this great for stress relief.. It's like Robotron: 2084 and Asteroids had a baby and forced it to take crack.

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