Title: Goroons
Genre: Casual, Indie
Epopeia Games
Epopeia Games
Release Date: 17 May, 2018
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Good game in principle, but seems to have a bug that when two people are playing, the switching doesn't work properly and disables the other player - who can no longer switch to another character.. \u2b50\u2b50\u2b50\u2b50. Good game in principle, but seems to have a bug that when two people are playing, the switching doesn't work properly and disables the other player - who can no longer switch to another character.. The TDLR here is I can recommend this game on the price point. I enjoyed my time playing, it is short but worth the roughly \u00a31 per hour puzzle experience I had. Your times may differ. I did not get to test this game in multiplayer.
This game is charming and minimalistic in art style, doesn't hold your hand when it comes to introducing you to puzzle mechanics, and encourages experimentation. You will need to think logically and make sure you're planning ahead and executing controls precisely, lest finding yourself in a frantic panic or unable to proceed and requiring to restart the whole level.
Positive qualities include:
-Great art style with minimalistic controls, polished appearance.
-Relatively difficult puzzles and high quality level design.
-A sense of learning through puzzles without being force-fed information.
-Includes multiplayer (did not test).
-Worked very smoothly with very few bugs (already fixed by developers).
Negative qualities include:
-I slightly bumpy learning curve (although this could be a personal problem I had with particular levels).
-Sometimes confusing and slightly frustrating keyboard inputs with fairly punishing consequences (game was developed for controllers).
-Nice music but lacked variety.
-Relatively short gameplay time if you're a good puzzle gamer.
-Simplistic sound and graphics options.
. Good game in principle, but seems to have a bug that when two people are playing, the switching doesn't work properly and disables the other player - who can no longer switch to another character.. The TDLR here is I can recommend this game on the price point. I enjoyed my time playing, it is short but worth the roughly \u00a31 per hour puzzle experience I had. Your times may differ. I did not get to test this game in multiplayer.
This game is charming and minimalistic in art style, doesn't hold your hand when it comes to introducing you to puzzle mechanics, and encourages experimentation. You will need to think logically and make sure you're planning ahead and executing controls precisely, lest finding yourself in a frantic panic or unable to proceed and requiring to restart the whole level.
Positive qualities include:
-Great art style with minimalistic controls, polished appearance.
-Relatively difficult puzzles and high quality level design.
-A sense of learning through puzzles without being force-fed information.
-Includes multiplayer (did not test).
-Worked very smoothly with very few bugs (already fixed by developers).
Negative qualities include:
-I slightly bumpy learning curve (although this could be a personal problem I had with particular levels).
-Sometimes confusing and slightly frustrating keyboard inputs with fairly punishing consequences (game was developed for controllers).
-Nice music but lacked variety.
-Relatively short gameplay time if you're a good puzzle gamer.
-Simplistic sound and graphics options.
. \u2b50\u2b50\u2b50\u2b50. \u2b50\u2b50\u2b50\u2b50
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