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Gnomes Vs. Fairies: Greckel's Quest Download Thepcgames

Gnomes Vs. Fairies: Greckel's Quest Download Thepcgames

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About This Game

The Gnomelands of Ventocia are in turmoil!

You are the last free Gnome, on a quest to rescue the enslaved Gnomekin from the evil Fairy King and the spells of his Fairy Daughters. Jump, slash, and twirl your way through mystical worlds riddled with Mushroom Monsters, Kittybats, Gorphs, and more. Harness untold magic and recruit new allies to unleash magical mayhem in the final stand against the tyranny of the evil Fairies. 1075eedd30

Title: Gnomes Vs. Fairies: Greckel's Quest
Genre: Action, Adventure, Casual, Indie, RPG
Prismic Studios LLC
Prismic Studios LLC
Release Date: 1 Jul, 2016


If you're a Gnome lover like me, you'll probably purchase game with the word "Gnome" slapped in the title. If you're also like me, you're stuck in a nostalgia timewarp: any game that is reminescent of those from your childhood must automatically be played. I didn't even hear about Gnome vs. Fairies until the 2016 Steam Summer Sale, which, due to it's low price, I immediately purchased on the spot.

The story is pretty decent, the gnomes had some sort of four crystals that were destroyed which unleashed fairies into the world and almost every Gnome was taken prisoner except the protagonist. The opening cutscene is paired with some awesome accordian music which soon turned into a rock and roll fest.

The soundtrack is pretty good, definitely gives off the atmosphere depending on what region you are in.

Combat is pretty fun, although there are some glitches where attacks don't hit properly, or the enemy seems immune. The death animation could use some work, it looks as though your character is just frozen in spot and then you automatically teleport to the beginning of the level.

It's fun collecting things such as fairies, berries, and coins. Being able to customize your character with weapons and whatnot is pretty neat.

One of my favorite features is the fact there's a hub world where, outside the levels, you can kick back and relax and explore. The shop in the main hub reminds me so much of The Legend of Zelda.

All in all "Gnomes vs. Fairies" is a very fun, nostalgic expierence, albeit a tad tacky and right now somewhat broken but the developer will probably fix that in due time.. I really like the game so far and the dev is awesome.. It has a lot of potential but a long way to go. Mechanically the game is sound but there is a plethora of small bugs that I'm sure will be resolved before the game is released.

Gameplay video of first level
www.youtube.com\/watch?v=dHeTuZvPG80\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\" id=\"dynamiclink_0\">https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=dHeTuZvPG80<\/a>
Note: Opening sequence was not laggy at all in game, not sure why screen capture had issues with it.\ufeff. It's a buggy mess in its current state.

Had an itch for a good collectathon platformer game after seeing some vids on Yooka Laylee, bought this because it fit the bill. Unfortunately, it's in rough shape at the current time. The dev is pretty active about fixing issues that people report, and that's good on him. However, The sheer number of bugs and issues in the game is staggering. I've reported quite a few myself, but every time I open the game I find more and more.

Let's talk about the gameplay, as bugs can be fixed. You've got a pretty standard collectathon platformer here. There's lots of different objects to find in the levels, with varying levels of difficulty required to collect them. It's all pretty standard, there's nothing that I've seen that introduces anything new to the genre. Combat feels pretty fluid, you'll be weaving in and out of battle with the various creatures. You'll often times find yourself getting hit without much warning though, which can be frustrating. The platforming is hit or miss. Vertical climbing feels the most challenging, you can clip on the edge of platforms and have to repeat jumps often. Precision jumps to specific points, such as a pole, are difficult at times as well. The level design is alright, there's decent variation in how the levels are arranged. There's a lot of reused assets for every theme (ice, fire, etc) world though.

The music for the game is probably my favorite part, he did a very good job with the sound track.

Even ignoring the bugs, it's a very generic platformer. You can find better, or wait for Yooka Laylee.

. So, despite my limited time with this game, I should have left this review months ago.

The developer of this game is a hero. I was nervous someday, decided to play this game, something wouldn't work, I complained (in a less than diplomatic way) here on Steam and he ended up patching the thing in a matter of hours. He really deserves every cent he gets.

The game is fun. With keyboard it works really well, with controller it works better.

I play this game on Linux Mint 18 KDE, with nvidia-375 proprietary driver. The GPU is 750M and it works well enough, so don't be afraid to buy this game so you can play on the go. 750M really is not the strongest kind of card.

I also use a desktop with open-source RadeonSI driver, R9 285 card and 2560*1080 21:9 monitor. I think I've only launched this game once on that desktop, but as far as I can remember, the game supports ultrawide resolutions natively, even on linux (for those of you interested). I have to re-check this though.

The game is, well, relaxing and fun. Look at some gameplay video on YouTube and if you like the gameplay, you will definetely like the game and the developer behind it.

EDIT: I have re-checked performance on my desktop. 21:9 resolutions definetely work out of the box, but there seems to be some performance issues with RadeonSI drivers (Mesa 11.2 stack). I will update the drivers and try again. The card R9 285 is, with RAdeonSI drivers in its' current state not capable of running resolutions aka 2560*1080.. I really like the game so far and the dev is awesome.. I've been having an absolute blast playing Gnomes vs. Fairies. It's a fully fledged 3D platformer in the tradition of Mario 64, but it's got lots of RPG elements and hack 'n' slash combat.

My experience has been very smooth and I haven't encountered a single obvious bug yet, I can't say for sure because I haven't finished the game, but at this point it seems like all the bugs others mentioned are fixed.

The platforming feels solid, combat is simple but it doesn't get boring because there are so many items like grappling hooks and bombs you can use on your enemies. The environments and the Gnomes are cute but there's an overall eerie atmosphere and music. The coolest thing though is every level there are new items to play with, like triple jump boots, shield, fairy wings you can fly with, etc. I haven't found them yet but the trailer even shows airships!

The music creator level is worth the price of the game all by itself, to be honest! Really fun!!!

It's fairly well optimized and runs with no hitches on my desktop and even runs pretty well on my surface pro 3. It also supported my xbox one controller out of the box!!!

The bloom and shader effects might be a bit much, but you can turn them off in the menu if you don't like them.

I absolutely recommend this game, and at $9.99 it's a total bargain. It's got a big hub world that connects to multiple subworlds, and it seems like there will be a lot of levels. Some of the reviewers here have more than 20 hours of gameplay so there's a lot of content!

*Fast gameplay
*Good music
*Great level design
*Not too hard, not too easy
*Many items = many play modes
*Developer is all over the community forums answering questions and fixing bugs

*No multiplayer yet - has it now
*No online play yet - has it now
*Lighting is a little harsh on some levels - seems fixed. It's a buggy mess in its current state.

Had an itch for a good collectathon platformer game after seeing some vids on Yooka Laylee, bought this because it fit the bill. Unfortunately, it's in rough shape at the current time. The dev is pretty active about fixing issues that people report, and that's good on him. However, The sheer number of bugs and issues in the game is staggering. I've reported quite a few myself, but every time I open the game I find more and more.

Let's talk about the gameplay, as bugs can be fixed. You've got a pretty standard collectathon platformer here. There's lots of different objects to find in the levels, with varying levels of difficulty required to collect them. It's all pretty standard, there's nothing that I've seen that introduces anything new to the genre. Combat feels pretty fluid, you'll be weaving in and out of battle with the various creatures. You'll often times find yourself getting hit without much warning though, which can be frustrating. The platforming is hit or miss. Vertical climbing feels the most challenging, you can clip on the edge of platforms and have to repeat jumps often. Precision jumps to specific points, such as a pole, are difficult at times as well. The level design is alright, there's decent variation in how the levels are arranged. There's a lot of reused assets for every theme (ice, fire, etc) world though.

The music for the game is probably my favorite part, he did a very good job with the sound track.

Even ignoring the bugs, it's a very generic platformer. You can find better, or wait for Yooka Laylee.

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