Title: Fritz for Fun 13
Genre: Casual, Strategy
Viva Media
Release Date: 12 Aug, 2013
Buggy and too complex.. After installing it & trying to start the game, it asks me to enter the code above - and no matter what characters I put in, it just says they are wrong charcters. I try again and again but to no avail. Still can't figure out what is is up to - just a waste of money and time.. Buggy and too complex.. Fritz for fun 13 is a good value. You get the Fritz interface which is great and has with lots of options and utilities. The engines it comes with are single core but still very strong. You can easily install any UCI engines you want and there are plenty of good ones out there like Houdini 1.5, Komodo 4, Stockfish etc. You might want liquid cooling if you run all of your cores though - they get pretty warm looking at 10 million positions\/second. I even found some user designed 2d pieces you can install in you're fonts directory.
On the downside deleting games in the database and uninstalling\/reinstalling didn't work as expected. I prefer a program to remove everything (files, registry entries etc.) when you uninstall. Because it didn't I deleted some files manually and when I reinstalled they didn't get installed so I ended up using a system restore.
Overall it's best chess software I've used so far with a good interface, lots of features and flexibility.. For all its features and focus on accessibility, Fritz for Fun 13 is strangely inflexible. Using Microsoft Office-inspired menus, getting in and out of the games you want, trying to use the frankly terrible 3D boards - everything feels so incredibly archaic and cumbersome, filling the experience with a clutter and roadblocks.
Fritz for Fun is certainly capable, but I can't say that it's fun to use. There have to be better chess programs in this day and age.
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