Title: Frederic: Resurrection of Music Director's Cut
Genre: Action, Casual, Indie
Forever Entertainment S. A.
Forever Entertainment S. A.
Release Date: 21
frederic resurrection of music director's cut. frederic resurrection of music director's cut badge. frederic resurrection of music director's cut badge. frederic resurrection of music director's cut
The Director's Cut is, at BEST, two extra song/stages over Frederic: Resurrection of Music. The Director's Cut isn't terrible compared to the other version, just inferior. I got the game while it was 90% off, and I do feel it's worth 59 cents. It would've been better as a DLC to add the two new songs to the original game. I couldn't try the multi-player. It takes too long to get into a game unless you have a friend to play with. The global stats for the game suggests that there have been just over 1000 multiplayer games played, so it was likely dead on arrival. The visual quality of the stages feels lower than the original, and while they did add "damage modeling" for your opponents when you execute an attack, it only amounts to your foes looking angry or worried with sparking equipment. The two new opponents and both forms of Mastermind X do not have any of these damaged states. I don't think the arena fights have them either. The note sequences are different on for the stages. In some cases, the difference in minor. In other cases, they are drastic. Two examples of the more drastic cases are: 1. The arena unlocked for finishing the game on normal has a 30+ second segment of the song featuring TWO NOTES on ALL difficulties. Meaning the correct way to play that part of the song is to sit there and do nothing. It's very boring. 2. The note sequence for the duel in Ireland on the top two difficulties follows the background fiddle instead of the main melody. That's several measures of 16th notes on a high tempo song. This makes the song THE HARDEST in all three Frederic games. If this was limited to just the maximum difficulty, I would be less irate about it. To reiterate, I feel that Director's Cut isn't terrible compared to the other version, just inferior. I got the game while it was 90% off, and I do feel it was worth the 59 cents I paid. But all things totaled, this game was a disappointment. I would've been happier if it was a DLC that just added the two new songs to the original game.. This didnt translate well from tablet, the controls are just akward, only the mouse is semi-functional, but for me is not good enough to go for the higher difficulties where the note patters are more interesting. Get this on iOS or Android.. I'm in love with music, and you know what, this is the best game I had ever played in my entire life. I love everything about it! I love the music, I love the characters, I love it all! I'm so glad I payed money for this game! I'm never leaving music behind! "Music is the soul, and those who deny the soul are bad performers." -Zachery Rondo. Whilst this game seems to have a great concept and potential, I found the controls very clunky to use being largely reliant on one hand. Part of it may be like that for me since I have a pianist's background and set up to play as such, but the just being so single hand based kind of made this awkward. There's other rhythm games I've enjoyed more as the controls were far more intuitive. TLDR - Great concept, bad controls.. i love playing Chopin's works on the piano so it was a nice surprise to hear his pieces arranged in different styles!! to anyone who enjoys rhythm games, its a pretty easy game to get the hang of.. This game is a fresh breath of air for me. It's nice and enjoyable while also keeping a large of skill involved. The story is very imersive and quite a thoughtful and educational one. I found that the voice acting although a bit mediocre kept a lot of charm and beuty involved. If I'd have to describe Frederic: Resurrection of Music in one word I would have to say Charming. it's just charming. The music is great and the control scheme, although hard at first, is really fresh. I would have to say this game is one of a kind.
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