Title: Fragile Fighter
Genre: Action, Adventure, Indie
Marina Hova
Hova LLC
Release Date: 1 Mar, 2019
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This isn't usually my type of game, but a friend suggested it. I'm glad I gave it a try.. Full Disclosure: I was given a copy to review this game. I havenu2019t had much time to play the game myself but from trying it out and having seen my friends play it, it has been a roller coaster ride of emotions. Fortunately all that goes through to the audience even if theyu2019re not playing and everything from the music to the artstyle really shine through. Gameplay can feel a little finicky sometimes and the one touch death mechanic can frustrate new players but the need to finish the story, although very short, is a very big motivator. At its price itu2019s a short experience but full of impact and I felt like it was worth it.. Fragile Fighter is one of those games that you come across and you're like "Hey, this is kinda interesting looking." Well I'm here to tell you that you're absolutely RIGHT! Sorta. It's INCREDIBLE! Fragile Fighter is hands down one of the best story telling experiences I've had in an indie game in a long time. If you're reading this review I assume that you are willing to read a bit of a lengthy one and that's what I'm going to give you today! Graphics: The graphics of Fragile Fighter are unique and very artistic. Everything feels hand drawn and feels intense. It's not "cute" nor is it bright or cheerful. The colors blend well with a dark sort of feel and atmosphere. Each level that you go through has it's own unique beauty and it's own emotion. The cinematics that you get between each level are short but leave such an impact on the rest of the game. In them you get small insights into the characters that are portrayed in each level. It's brilliant and emotionally wrenching. Music: The music in this game is TRULY magnificent. Featuring original vocals and excellent "chill giving" crescendos. When you being any one of the levels you will be immediately blown away by how the music pulls you in and immerses you in what's happening. You get an immediate feel for the world that you're thrust in to. I'm also a HUGE fan of as you progress through the levels the music will get more intense. I found myself bobbing my head more than actually killing enemies. Combat: The combat is simple yet unforgiving. This game uses the "1 hit you're dead, but so are they" kind of mentality. It's extremely challenging yet simple. Just pay attention to your surroundings and you'll probably be fine.probably. There are 3 different weapons that you can use and each has it's own strengths and weaknesses. Close quarter bubble, medium distance sword attack, and a long range, albeit inaccurate, "gun" attack. These can all be upgraded by simply playing the game and defeating enemies to be even more useful than they already are. Very fun to play around with and see which one fits the situation that you're in and is most helpful. Level Design: There's not a TON to say here as I am definitely not someone that pays TOO much attention to the way a level is mapped out. Having said that, the levels felt pretty straight forward. The first "world" that you enter was slightly confusing in the fact that I wasn't sure what exactly the goal was. As soon as I figured that out, it was absolutely fine. And Story: Without spoilers, this is where the game absolutely shines. The story telling in this game is astoundingly phenomenal. It's an incredible, basically vignetted, story where you meet and follow several character's "life story". This game does touch on some difficult topics but does so in an extremely respectful manner. It touches on physical abuse, alcoholism, eating disorders, failure, and more. The use of the short but poignant scenes between levels really pulls you in quickly and effectively. I'm not much one for tearing up in a game.but this one got me close. Overall: Thanks for reading this review! I hope this was helpful in giving you a feel for what you might expect from this game using my perspective as an example. This game is incredible. The story, the music, the atmosphere of each level, the art design, literally everything in Fragile Fighter is expertly done and has a unique purpose to telling the story. The game is short but leaves such an impression on you as a player. If you're paying attention to the small details in this game you'll see just how subtle the game can be with it's themes. **Hint** The enemy design is EXTREMELY important.. Pros: -Touching Story -Gorgeous art style -Beautiful soundtrack Cons: -Short game -Level length/difficulty varies Content Warning: Game deals with some heavy situations, and may cause negative triggers. Fragile Fighter is a narrative 2D platformer focusing on short scenes, or doorways, into the difficult lives of a group of individuals. We follow our blue-haired protagonist, Kira, as she explores some of the insurmountable difficulties of existence the cast of individuals has endured. The story is primarily told through short scenes between the levels, culminating in a traditional boss room for each character. Some of the levels felt significantly lengthier but may have been related to weaknesses in platforming ability. The scenes are mostly silent and there are some openings for individual interpretation of each situation and its outcomes. My personal favorite aspect of the game would be the soundtrack, if you do not get a copy with the game, I highly suggest picking it up. Songs range from bright punctuating bangers to anxiety-inducing haunts and paired well with the visualizations of each level. There were a few things that restricted my enjoyment, first the lack of customizability and options I felt this with the controller mapping especially, it still worked but I would have preferred configuring rather than learning. Second, I felt that some of the collisions felt unfair, granted I am not the best platformer but a few times I was a bit more 'wut' than I would like when I had to restart. Finally, there were some issues at release that were causing frame rate issues likely resulting from the projectile collisions, most noticeable during some of the boss battles. These have been patched and played well for the last bosses I completed, and the team was responsive to the issues identified. I will likely replay the story, definitely have the soundtrack in my music rotation.. I was a little apprehensive of going into this game as my platformer reflexes have sadly faded over the years, but one thing that always draws me to a game is a compelling story to it. At times, I felt the frustration and anger that I can only imagine others go through daily, but I kept on pushing myself to reach that next part of the story, that next metaphorical ledge to pull myself forward and keep going. I will say. I felt a surge of exhilaration when I overcame an area I kept resetting on. On top of the gameplay, I will say the music is wonderful along with the art. The "cut scenes" are wonderfully rendered. It is a short game, but it doesn't need to be longer. It tells its story and it is one that I feel people should definitely check out.. Short game, gameplay is standard for a 2D platformer, kind of barebones. The story is told mostly through symbolism and sequential images. The game, I think, mostly showcases Marina Hova's music.. my heart :( EDIT: My original review wasn't very good, just impulsive after the first door. Now that I have played some more. layering audio to evolve the OST as you progress is neat. never seen a game do that before. not that i can think of at least. this game has its flaws. i dont think the design of it is very complex/ ground breaking. it feels more like an art project. but honestly, id prefer that over another try hard platformer. now, back to crying.
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