Title: FPV Air 2 - Track Builder
Genre: Racing, Simulation
Flyleap Studios
Release Date: 18 Dec, 2018
Great a track editor I can start trying new track layouts. I would say though I did expect more gates and objects as theres not even 10, so hopefully the designer will see this and add more varied gates and objects as what you get doesn't justify the cost. I do like this sim as it's pretty close to how my 4s & 5s drones feel when I'm flying and feel this sim could be expanded with tracks and drones like rotor rush who have added xclass to their sim and created something beyond what you'd expect. I also think this sim could do with the addition of smaller dromes like 2 inch and 3 inch as they are getting more popular and the courses could be made tighter show them off.. Great a track editor I can start trying new track layouts. I would say though I did expect more gates and objects as theres not even 10, so hopefully the designer will see this and add more varied gates and objects as what you get doesn't justify the cost. I do like this sim as it's pretty close to how my 4s & 5s drones feel when I'm flying and feel this sim could be expanded with tracks and drones like rotor rush who have added xclass to their sim and created something beyond what you'd expect. I also think this sim could do with the addition of smaller dromes like 2 inch and 3 inch as they are getting more popular and the courses could be made tighter show them off.
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