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FINAL FANTASY IX Download For Pc [key Serial Number]

FINAL FANTASY IX Download For Pc [key Serial Number]

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About This Game

Selling over five million copies since its release in 2000, FINAL FANTASY IX proudly returns on Steam!
Now you can relive the adventures of Zidane and his crew on PC !

Zidane and the Tantalus Theater Troupe have kidnapped Princess Garnet, the heir of Alexandria. To their surprise, however, the princess herself yearned to escape the castle.
Through a series of unusual circumstances, she and her personal guard, Steiner, fall in with Zidane and set out on an incredible journey. Meeting unforgettable characters like Vivi and Quina along the way, they learn about themselves, the secrets of the Crystal, and a malevolent force that threatens to destroy their world.

Gameplay Features
Learn new abilities by equipping items. When fully mastered,these abilities can be used even without equipping items,allowing for nearly endless customization options.

Fill your Trance gauge as you sustain hits in battle. When fully charged, your characters will enter Trance mode, granting them powerful new skills!

Never let items go to waste. Combine two items or pieces of equipment together and make better, stronger items!

Whether it's Chocobo Hot and Cold, Jump Rope, or Tetra Master, there are plenty of minigames to enjoy when you're not off saving the world. You can even earn special item rewards!

Additional Features
・Seven game boosters including high speed and no encounter modes.
・High-definition movies and character models. 7ad7b8b382

Genre: RPG
Square Enix
Square Enix
Release Date: 14 Apr, 2016


  • OS: Vista /7/8/8.1/10
  • Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo 2GHz or higher
  • Memory: 2 GB RAM
  • Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce 8600GTS or ATI Radeon HD4650 or higher
  • DirectX: Version 9.0c
  • Storage: 7 GB available space
  • Sound Card: DirectSound® compatible sound card(DirectX®9.0c or later)


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I dunno it's good play it dudes. Zidane is a very pretty lady 10\/10. I'll say this;

The game is good, but this is not the best way to play it.

You're better off playing the original PSX game, you can do this by buying it on PS3 or getting the original hard copy of the game and putting it into a P1, ps2 etc.

The main problem with this port is that it just....doesn't look good. I'm not usually someone who cares about graphics in their games, but the fact that they decided to keep the mobile interface, edit it so slightly for the ps4 version of the game and not add it to this version is not only beyond me but unfathomably lazy from square.

In summary: The backgrounds are extremely low quality and require a mod to look serviceable, and in addition to this the character models most of the time dont blend in well with them either. The menu actually runs SLOWER than the PSX version, this time supporting an extremely clunky user interface for both battle and character menus and the text is an extremely ugly, generic font.

Some of these can be fixed with mods to make the game look serviceable, but even then I feel the original looks better in some regards when viewed on a CRT TV. FF7 and 8 allowed for a selectable option to emulate what the game would look like on a PS1, why not this one?

If you want to experience FF9 to the fullest, play the original. This adds no new content and is honestly a downgrade over the PSX version.. This game had been on my rader for ages. I had heard heaps about it from the OG FF fans and being said to be 'the greatest FF game ever made' but I wanted to road test for myself. And I will say, I wasn't disappointed.

FFIX was the last game made on the PS1 when it was released. It pushed the limits of what the PS1 was capable of and incorporated some of the best aspects of an FF title. The story, the artwork, the music, all very well done. Not to say this doesn't have flaws in it too. Sure the limit system everyone came to know and love isn't as 'effective' in this game as what it was in previous and later games (you will see what I mean when you play it), and the characters heads are just a little too big, making the game look like it has a Chibii filter on it, but overall, a solid game.

Note the game is in 4:3 and if you have controller software enabled you can play it with a controller as well.

Overall: 9\/10. Best Final Fantasy ever made, end of discussion.. My absolute favourite Final Fantasy title to date. I grew up playing this game so I have a special place in my heart for this one. Potentially biased review.

Visually for its time, being released on the PS1, the game looks amazing. It has been enhanced for the newer ports and it's only enhanced how amazing it looks. Although the port itself hasn't done the game justice as its made the game look somewhat mobile friendly but I believe patches have been released to fix this.

The game itself is a gem. The Characters, bar one Amarant Coral <\/span><\/span> are all great, you have an attachment to them all and you see them all develop throughout the story.

One of the greatest FF soundtracks, I still listen to the OST now.

The highlight for me, unlike many other FF games, and other RPGS is that upon equipping new armours and accessories you usually gain the abilities attached, in IX you not only gain the abilities you can actually Learn said ability letting you keep it and use it even after the item is no longer being worn. This might not seem very exciting at first but end game with the rarest most valuable items with the very best abilities and being able to teach it to everyone not just one, could quite possibly be the difference between winning and game over.

My only negative remark would be that after reaching a certain stage in the game, certain places you've been to before become inaccessible although part of the plot it ruins my reminiscence.

F*** you King of Jump Rope <\/span><\/span>

10\/10. chocobo digging is a\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665

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