Title: Fighter Creator
Genre: Animation & Modeling, Design & Illustration
Release Date: 2 Aug, 2017
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now you cannot use it for its resolution.. No youtube videos and only written tutorials. no community.. Hi. can you please fix the profile glitch it won't let me create a Profile and I hate it. it is the only way I can use this software. and I just bought this software and won't let me use it until I make a Profile please fix. if you can fix I will rate as good software, the demo was better then this full version please fix profile glitch.. It doesn't seem to be very intuitive or user friendly. I see black bars where text presumably should be. I can't find any video tutorials on Youtube or elsewhere. It would be nice if I could use the app but I just can't figure it out to read the "black line" text.. No youtube videos and only written tutorials. no community.. Worst. Because It Was Bored And I Can't Do It Anyt
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