Title: FaceRig Halloween Avatars 2015
Genre: Animation & Modeling, Video Production
Holotech Studios
Release Date: 22 Oct, 2015
English,French,Italian,German,Japanese,Russian,Traditional Chinese
I'll have to say that the werewolf is pretty sad in it's responce to facial actions. Not impressed at all on this install.. I paid 99 cents just for the doll lol.. I recently bought Face Rig Classic and all of the avatars work really well now after you calibrate your body and mouth before you start using it. I personally use the werewolf to stream and the majority of people that watch think it's incredible how realistic it looks. I think this pack is a pack that anyone with face rig should try if they really love halloween or want to give their streams or videos a different vibe.
Overall, I give the dlc a 9\/10. Go ahead and buy it,
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