Title: EVE Online: 1 Month Omega Time
Genre: Action, Free to Play, Massively Multiplayer, RPG, Strategy
Release Date: 3 Oct, 2017
eve online 1 month omega time
this is silly, u can only buy this once
i thought this is a solution for people who dont have credit card or dont want to use recurrent subcription. this is not showing in my eve account wtf
. how to install this thing , or activate the eve month??? please help!. If you created you account through the Eve website before using steam, this will <NOT> post to your account.
Note this is not a downvote for Eve, nor a downvote for "Omega" itself, just a warning that you had to have begun you account through steam for this to land.. Once it is purchased it is added as DLC in your Steam Library. Steam Store will not allow you to purchase this "DLC" again after 30 days is up and I'm not sure how to remove the original 30 day Omega time from the DLC or Steam Library. Even unchecking the 30 day Omega Time DLC only disables it but doesn't remove it.. Despite the other comments about this product, I purchased it anyways since I have a steam cd key attached to my ccp account. Even so, steam wasn't able to detect my login account, and ccp wasn't able to detect the purchase. I requested a refund, but it was denied because the support agent can't read policy correctly. In game purchases have a 48 hour return period if they are not consumed in that time. Since this game time has no account tied to it, it cannot be used. This product is also an in game purchase. Therefore, it should be refunded as per the refund policy.
Hopefully CCP is more willing to help than the Gaben drones.
. You can buy the subscription only once this way. Lame.... Navigate to the Eve website and log in with your steam account and from there you can buy omega time. BE WARN IT ONLY WORKS ON STEAM ACCOUNT NOT EVE ACCOUNTS
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