Title: Ether One: Deluxe Edition Upgrade
Genre: Adventure, Indie
White Paper Games
White Paper Games
Release Date: 12 Jun, 2014
ether one deluxe edition review. ether one deluxe edition system requirements. ether one deluxe edition game
*******SPOILERS!!!!!!********* Lovely looking game, but ultimately I simply quit. I found it frustratingly slow and the story very sad. I don't have a lot of time to spend gaming, so ultimately I went elsewhere. ( Who wants to spend spare time making themselves sad? Your results may, of course, vary.). *******SPOILERS!!!!!!********* Lovely looking game, but ultimately I simply quit. I found it frustratingly slow and the story very sad. I don't have a lot of time to spend gaming, so ultimately I went elsewhere. ( Who wants to spend spare time making themselves sad? Your results may, of course, vary.)
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