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Electric Highways - OST Portable Edition

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The original soundtrack of Electric Highways containing 14 tracks. 5d3b920ae0

Title: Electric Highways - OST
Genre: Adventure, Free to Play, Indie
Zykov Eddy, Xitilon
Siberian Digital
Release Date: 28 Oct, 2015


electric highways ost

u2665u2665u2665u2665u2665 fire. It could've been FLACs :(. awesome, raw, synthy, chipstyle, analog drum machine, big toms, beautiful, 10/10. u2665u2665u2665u2665u2665 fire. An OST that includes just 14 music tracks in MP3 format. Just MP3. Nope, no random sound spookyness from Underground level. They are almost similar to what you hear in-game. They don't loop and seem to have small ending edited, as in it would fade out by playing the last note for a bit. Pretty nice techno or something. I can only ask you to play the game first for the more atmospheric first impression, the tracks lose a bit of magic outside of game. Brought it to support the dev of the mod (and composer). Because he is Russian. Aha. And because this was a lovely little game. Not usually fan of too-similar-to-in-game soundtracks being sold but the base game is free, so.. Pretty spooky, and frequently groovy. Not recommended to anyone who hates droning or wobbly synths. Lucky for me, I'm rather fond of both. And did I detect a tiny bit of a John Carpenter influence somewhere in there (mainly the track which sounds a bit Big Trouble in Little China)? Nice. Verdict: 8.5/10.. A nice selection of futuristic electro tunes in the spirit of the '80s. There's a bit of something for everyone from the bleak and melancholic to the epic and uplifting. To say the OST merely complements the game would be an understatement.

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