Title: Detective Case and Clown Bot in: Murder in the Hotel Lisbon
Genre: Adventure, Casual, Indie
Nerd Monkeys®
Nerd Monkeys®
Release Date: 17 Jul, 2014
detective case and clown bot in murder in the hotel lisbon. detective case and clown bot in murder in the hotel lisbon walkthrough
This is a point & click game, something I haven't played since. well, forever to be honest. But the look and feel and the "very typical" Portuguese style peeked my interest. The game is full of Portuguese sayings, jokes and the story is always full of twists with a lot of humor till the very end. The art style is just awesome, with the two main characters not even being the craziest ones you'll find through the game (looking at you big girl). A well spent time solving puzzles to find who did what, in a funny mechanic like a brawl is about to happen. It's a slow game, so take your time and laugh with it.
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