Title: Defender Faith
Genre: Action, Adventure, Indie
Oblom studio
Enjoy Games
Release Date: 1 Jun, 2018
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I enjoyed this game, When I purchased it I wasn't expecting much due to a lot of the crap that is on steam for the bare minimum price However I was pleasantly surprised by it , the gameplay is nothing new but definately isn't bad the atmosphere is quite well realised and gels well with the attempt at a story , ( which could use some editing to make up for the poor translation), effort wen tinto this and that deserves a thumbs up. this game is so good and it is really good for low end pc's.. I bought this game for 0.47 cents and I didn't really expect much from it but once I played it, i could tell this was worth mroe that what I payed for. IF your looking for a kinda bullet hell platformer with a ncie story, this game is for you. It was really better than I imagined.
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