Title: Crazy Sapper 3D
Genre: Indie
Aratog LLC
Aratog LLC
Release Date: 26 Oct, 2016
crazy sapper 3d
If you enjoyed Minesweeper for Windows, this game is like a next-generation version of that. In each level, you must traverse a map from the front to the back, which is full of mines, and like the original, you will hit a mine if you are wrong. There are a number of powerups to buy before your trip or collect on your way.
In campaign mode, you have a limited number of lives, but more can be earned by playing the other modes to earn money.
Replaying a campaign level does not earn you money, so you can't upgrade your 'star' performance.
There is no save button, which means that during survival mode, a game lasting several hours will have to be trashed simply because you can't play any longer.
. I love this game....It is fantastically thought out.
The only downside is you will sometimes (rarely) find there will be bombs where they shouldn't be but you can always start the faulty map again.
Well worth playing :). I love this game....It is fantastically thought out.
The only downside is you will sometimes (rarely) find there will be bombs where they shouldn't be but you can always start the faulty map again.
Well worth playing :). If you enjoyed Minesweeper for Windows, this game is like a next-generation version of that. In each level, you must traverse a map from the front to the back, which is full of mines, and like the original, you will hit a mine if you are wrong. There are a number of powerups to buy before your trip or collect on your way.
In campaign mode, you have a limited number of lives, but more can be earned by playing the other modes to earn money.
Replaying a campaign level does not earn you money, so you can't upgrade your 'star' performance.
There is no save button, which means that during survival mode, a game lasting several hours will have to be trashed simply because you can't play any longer.
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