Title: Crazy Buggy Racing
Genre: Action, Racing, Simulation, Sports
Release Date: 12 Apr, 2017
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Totalni kr.. This game is repetitive, banal and lazy. Shoddy 3D modelling (Where the 3D modelling can even be loosley assumed to be attributed to being the devs' own work), boring gameplay with no competetive element and frightfully nauseating camera. Miss.. My cat has better sound effects My keyboard has better physics effects My coffe cup has better music taste -10/10. Overpriced asset flippery looking kind of game. Plus points: + Some nice assets + Didn't crash3 + Better than survival driver, just about. Negatives - No explanation of how to progress. - It's not racing when there are no other players. - Textures are very plain and repetitive. - Handling is a joke. - Steering is poor so coins are hard to hit. - When cars spins into the air, it carries on going and going and going like it's possessed and gravity doesn't exist. - hitting a cactus can cause your car to spin out of control. - hitting a bump in the ground can cause your car to spin out of control. - hitting an object that you're supposed to hit can cause your car to spin out of control. - Car has some weird oversteer. - No level restart. - Quit doesn't take you back to main menu, or the level menu, it completely exits the game. - You can't see upcoming corners and so you dom't know to brake. - Large areas without indication of which way you're supposed to be heading. - The game doesn't feel challenging, it doesn't take skill.. this is like 911 but less fun and with no need for thermite to make this thing crash and burn for weeks. hitting objects can make you fly into the air higher than any plane.. This game is indeed CRAZAYYY. And may have a many few. thousand bugs. But that is indeed crazy.. Hardly even a game. Driving handles like garbage. I left it running for too long, no frickin way I'd spend more than 10 minutes on this trash. Take it off of steam. I got it in a bundle costing me 10 cents, and I was ripped off.. sad these little companies wont try, I mean 1st game may be bad but anythng can be tweaked and fixed, just look at Prelude Orion. They stuck with it for years to make it halfway playable. As for this company and this game. Good ideas, but they don't seem interested in learning or improving their craft. A penny junk bundle game maker? Well if that's all you want to be. Still, the graphics are ok and this kinda reminds one of Race The Subn (only it works smoothly). This could be alright if they gave it attention. Still, least they took the time to make a card set right.lol SO here's a pity vote.
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