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Coronavirus: How effective are the Chinese vaccines?

Coronavirus: How effective are the Chinese vaccines?

Three vaccines are currently far along in development in China. They are the vaccines from the companies Sinopharm, Sinovac Biotech and CanSino.To get more sinopharm vaccine latest news, you can visit shine news official website.

Only partial data on the efficacy of the vaccines has been released from their respective phase II and III trials. Sinopharm was the first company to officially announce data at the turn of 2020.

The situation is also still unclear with regard to approval of the vaccines. More than a million people have already been vaccinated with Sinopharm's vaccine, but this was done either as part of studies or with emergency approval.Meanwhile, correspondents in China for Germany's public broadcaster ARD and the daily newspaper FAZ report on a campaign currently underway in Chinese state media questioning the efficacy and safety of vaccines approved in Western countries.

One accusation is that Western media are concealing the dangers of BioNTech-Pfizer's vaccine. A prominent presenter on the state-controlled broadcaster joined in these accusations on Twitter. Paradoxically, China is actually procuring vaccines from BioNTech-Pfizer via the company Fosun Pharma. There are many indications that the Chinese government is using this media campaign to deflect criticism over the lack of transparency about its own vaccine manufacturers, possibly because its own development is not delivering the desired results.

The data on vaccines from China so far tend to indicate somewhat lower efficacy than their Western competitors. Here is an overview of the vaccines, where they are already being used, and what is known about their efficacy.

The vaccine called Vero is based on an inactivated virus. The company Sinopharm developed it in collaboration with the Wuhan Institute of Virology and the Institute of Biological Products. Such vaccines — also called inactivated vaccines — have been tried and tested for decades. For example, they are successfully used against diphtheria, hepatitis B, polio, whooping cough and tetanus.

Phase III trials for Vero have been conducted in 10 countries worldwide, including the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Peru, Morocco, Argentina, Jordan and Pakistan. Test in Serbia were planned, but not implemented. One reason for the research outside the People's Republic is that in China, case numbers dropped so sharply in the summer due to the strict lockdown that it was difficult to obtain any meaningful data at all. So far, Vero is the only Chinese vaccine for which the manufacturer has published official data. On December 29, 2020, Sinopharm reported 79% efficacy in an interim evaluation. The vaccine was licensed in China one day later.

Data from other countries does not present a consistent picture — the Emirates confirmed even higher efficacy in their study: 86%.The authorities there were even quicker to approve the vaccine than the Chinese. The vaccine was allowed to be administered from the beginning of December. Serbia also approved the vaccine in January.Things were less promising in Peru. Authorities there halted clinical trials in December after one patient suffered paralysis in his arms as a result of vaccination.

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